UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Saturday, August 7, 2021

what does a flying saucer look like?

 The flying saucer craze that dominated the 1950s and early 1960s was more of a media phenomenon than a real, scientific subject. It was fueled by reports of odd-shaped contraptions being sighted by citizens in faraway places, including the United States. After all, who did not want to believe that there were visitors from outer space among us? Although the term "flying saucer" acquired an almost literal definition as UFOs were actually said to be round in shape with raised centers and ridged or smoothed outer edges, the public's imagination ran riot over what these mysterious vehicles might be. 

A flying saucer could be from space, a space ship, a spacecraft, or some kind of bizarre new technological wonder. The term had been used to describe a winged disc in the late 1800s. The "saucer" part of the name probably came from the fanciful notion that the thing was spinning through its flight, similar to how a saucer is spun on its edge. A "flying" saucer implied that this new contraption could traverse great distances in little time. The earliest reference to a flying saucer by name occurred in June 1947, when Kenneth Arnold, then an Air Force pilot and private pilot, reported sighting something strange over Mt. Rainer, Washington State. He described what he had seen as "a chain of nine silvery objects flying from north to south at about 9,000 feet.

what does a flying saucer look like?

what does a flying saucer look like? Very good question. Different people descriptions are generally similar. They are described as being circular, or egg-shaped. There is a dome on top, and at times there have been windows visible. The color varies, but most often it's silver or gray in color. Sometimes they're said to be gold colored. They have lights on the bottom and around the outside edge, sometimes they have lights in the middle, and other times not. Their speed varies; it depends on what shape or size they are. They can go fast or slow. There is no visible propulsion system -- the saucers are seen flying at speeds far greater than any airplane.

Flying saucers are sometimes described as having a throbbing hum associated with them -- almost like an electrical generator. This humming can be heard from miles away and becomes louder as the object approaches. This sound always seems to come from the area of the dome. In some cases, this sound has been accompanied by a feeling of pressure against the skin.

What is inside a flying saucer? There are some accounts that say there are aliens inside. However, the more common description is that there are no aliens inside. Some of these objects have been described as having small "windows" which suggest some kind of living quarters. Still others say they can see electronics or tubes through the dome.

Lights have been commonly reported around the edge of the craft, along with several more lights underneath -- which would be more like portholes on a boat rather than landing lights like you would expect on an airplane. In some cases the lights are described as being red, blue, green, or white. These are the lights used to navigate at night. There is also the possibility that these craft might be powered by atomic energy and nuclear batteries.

Some have reported that the craft appear to be metallic in construction, but others believe that they are made out of a non-reflective material. They are believed to be from anywhere between 20 to 40 feet in diameter.

There is no way of knowing how many saucers are in the air at any one given time, but it is believed that most of them are very small, measuring from just a few feet in diameter to perhaps 30 feet or larger. Some believe that these saucers may be unmanned probes. It is not known whether they travel alone, as a squadron of 10 or more, or whether they travel with other spacecraft and/or alien craft.

where do flying saucers come from? One of the more popular theories about why aliens would come to Earth has been focused on our planet as a new colony. The landing of a flying saucer in the desert would certainly bring notice. Another possibility is that our planet is a dumping ground for useful pieces of technology that have outlived their usefulness on some other planet or in space, and these machines are being sent back to Earth for study and eventual return.

There is also a NASA theory, propagated by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), that secret armaments are being used in outer space against perceived threats. Some UFOs entering our atmosphere are believed to be space craft shooting down other UFOs as they approach our atmosphere, or even use such craft as decoys.

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