UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Thursday, August 5, 2021

types of ufos

 Briefly Ufos are Unidentified Flying Object. An unidentified flying object (UFO) is an apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable due to a lack of sufficient information. In recent decades, the term "UFO" has often been used as a synonym for extraterrestrial life. The term UFO was coined by UK journalist Henry Beam Piper in 1954, who wrote about "flying saucers". While the term originally referred to any unusual or unexplained sighting, it has generally come to refer to an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Reports of Ufos are often treated as a genuine phenomenon and can get media attention. Some people consider Ufos as a form of paranormal phenomenon. In recent decades, thousands of people have claimed to have seen UFOs. If you would like to know more about UFOs what is their types and more, don't hesitate to read on.

types of ufos

UFOs are viewed as a possible threat. From the earliest days of the United States, people have reported seeing unusual lights in the air. People also report that many UFOs appear and disappear without explanation. Some people believe that what they have seen in the sky could only have been a craft from another planet (or solar system) traveling through our atmosphere."

The UFO topic is a favorite to debate. While some sightings are very credible, others seem to be just misidentifications of weather balloons, airplanes, and other natural or man-made objects. Is the sky really filled with flying saucers from another planet? Or are there at least, a few very believable UFO sightings out there for us to talk about? UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. It refers to any object that is observed in the air but cannot be identified. The objects can be seen at night or during the day and they can vary from something as large as a plane to small enough to hide on a person's hand. 

They come in all shapes and sizes; some even have curved wings! But how do you know what kind of a UFO sighting is credible, and which ones are not? There are many different types of UFOs that you may come across during your lifetime. "Some UFO Sightings are believed to be secret government tests or research projects. Those reporting such sightings often believe that their government is lying to them and withholding information about advanced technologies developed by aliens and others unknown to Earth's inhabitants.

Types of ufos. The most common types are:

-             Disc shaped with a central body and a flat surface around the circumference

-             Flying Saucers - usually with the shape of a plate, with protuberances on top, bottom and sides

-             Balls or spheres - these are usually the most common types of ufo seen in pictures. They often emit light across their surface (see above) 

-             Cigar shaped objects which at first sight may appear to be an aircraft but then hover without any signs of propulsion.

-             Star shaped (asteroid) objects - these are rarely reported but if they do appear they tend to be a blue colour.

-             Triangular objects with three circles on their underside.

-             Rectangular shaped vehicles - these look more like planes or flying saucers but then hover without any signs of propulsion or even flight control surfaces. They often seem to be able to bend our view of space and time, often appearing, disappearing then reappearing.

-             Helicopters and other craft that look like conventional aircraft but then hover or fly away without any signs of propulsion or flight control surfaces.

-             Aircraft that drop 'blobs' and then disappear without any signs of propulsion or flight control surfaces.

-             Objects that do not follow the rules of physics and that do not move in any way we know. 

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