UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

What do ufos look like?

What do ufos look like? There are many reports of mystery craft in the sky. Many people believe they have been visited by extraterrestrials or even a new form of technology that is unknown to them. Some witnesses have seen the ufos with their own eyes. There are even incidents where ufos have been captured on camera. Have you ever seen a UFO? Do you know what they look like?

UFO sightings vary from witness to witness, but the interesting thing about all of these is that they’re not necessarily from any one location in our world, but many seem to exist in multiple places as the sky would be too crowded for them. How do we know these are actually UFOs and not something else that just happens to look like it would fit into this category? Some people believe they may be an alien craft, some think it’s manmade and maybe some form of military aircraft or space junk. But what do ufos look like?

What do ufos look like?

Ufos are typically reported to be either cigar-shaped, saucer-shaped, or triangular - with some being disk-shaped. Some sightings may also include lights. Ufos have been seen in perfect white light and sometimes in dark blue, green, or red. Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) do not appear to be solid objects that stand still. Most UFOs are reported by witnesses as moving at great speeds. UFO movement is often in erratic patterns without any known cause.

UFOs may also be reported as silent and hovering in the air or moving at high speeds with no sound. One sighting reported a "silent metal disc" flying slowly until it stopped suddenly. The object then moved off very quickly in an unusual direction. Another report was of a silent saucer-shaped UFO that moved at very high speeds and was gone in moments, although the witness thought he saw the object's "lights" after the UFO disappeared.

Reports of UFOs have included sounds such as a whistling sound that many witnesses describe as coming from above them or behind them or even from around them. UFO's also do not have landing gears, doors, or windows typically.

The most common shape is the classic disk-shaped ufo. The second most common is a cigar-shaped ufo. It is generally accepted that these are all man-made aircraft or experimental secret military projects. The third most popular ufo shape is the triangular-shaped craft. This one makes many famous sightings such as the Phoenix Lights, and more recently, the first video of a triangular ufo was recorded in 2004 by two men in San Diego, California. 

How long can ufos stay under the radar? Some people believe that when the public is told a real UFO sighting has occurred, the government knows about it immediately and responds with total surveillance of all those involved and then a cover-up of such activity. But are some UFO sightings being secretly made, and then back-engineered to create an illusion? In "Project Blue Book" UFO files, the U.S. Air Force's official study of UFOs from 1947 - 1969, they say the possibility of a real UFO sighting is one in a million but they still made an effort to find out what was seen. A variety of methods were used to determine whether a given report was valid or not.

In conclusion, the ufos of today are as much of a mystery today as they were in 1947. Some witnesses report seeing strange lights in the skies above them, others report some unidentified flying object that seems to defy the laws of physics and this is what makes many people so interested in what these things could possibly be. 

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