UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

why does nasa cover up ufos

 Why does NASA cover up ufos? Why do you ask, are you really ready? If you are a confirmed ufologist, or even if you just have an interest in UFO sightings in general, this article will be of great interest to you. It is not meant to convince those who may or may not have had a UFO sighting that there was a real encounter with Extraterrestrial lifeforms, but rather to introduce those who are open-minded and curious into the subject at hand. It is here where you will find some surprising news about NASA covering up the truth of extraterrestrial life and secret stories about their "inner workings".

NASA is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It is a government agency responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. The agency was established on August 29, 1958, by the National Aeronautics and Space Act. The founder and the head administrator in charge of NASA is Major General Charles Frank Bolden (United States Marine Corps –Retired)

why does nasa cover up ufos

For a long time, NASA has been trying to convince the general population that there is no proof that extraterrestrial life exists. This could be because of the fear that people could lose faith in our space program if they knew the true extent of what they were working towards. In addition, many are concerned that if the public were to become aware of the vast amounts of life in our universe (which is more than likely, as there have been millions of documented UFO sightings in recent years), they would start to see us as being insignificant and unimportant. In their eyes, it could cause chaos and panic in the public. 

Despite all their efforts, more than 100 million Americans believe that some type of alien life form has or does exist in our solar system. This number is up from about 90 million in 2009. In addition, the US government had to shut down the National UFO Reporting Center, due to them receiving tens of thousands of calls and emails a year. Again, it could be for political reasons that the center had to be closed.

This topic is one that should not cause fear among the public, but a source of excitement and inspiration. Imagine the possibilities that are out there if we could only get past our own egos and recognize that we are not as insignificant as we have made ourselves out to be. Unbeknownst to most people, NASA has actually recorded many UFO sightings from their space program missions and shuttles using advanced cameras onboard their crafts.

To date, NASA has never openly admitted to this truth because of fear that the general public would panic over the news. After all, if our government is hiding the fact that there are other life forms out there in our own solar system, it could pose a threat to the people. In addition, they are probably concerned that they would lose funding for their space program if more people were aware of this information. In recent years, the number of alien sightings has gone up due to our space program reaching out with the use of new advanced capabilities like Telescopes and new spy satellites. The general public has become more and more aware that there are many things in the universe we do not yet comprehend.

Recently, NASA has been getting a lot of flack from many people for their lack of truthfulness in their effort to hide extraterrestrial life from the public. Many have questioned NASA's lack of transparency with what they are doing in orbit using their fleet of space shuttles as well as the ISS to collect samples from other planets around our solar system. They have even asked NASA what is being done exactly when they say that they are collecting samples. In regards to NASA covering up ufos, many have claimed that there has been a vast cover-up by NASA and our government in regards to the UFO phenomena.

In conclusion, NASA has talked a lot about their stance on extraterrestrial life in recent years, however, this is just a small part of the possible truth. Many people still believe that we have been visited by extraterrestrials because of NASA's close ties with the public and because of some of their videos that are released to the public. If we are truly to make it into deep space one day, then there must be more to us than meets the eye, which means there must be more than just us back here on earth. This is not a conspiracy; it is merely a matter of us looking at our goals in life and striving to reach them.

What are your thoughts on NASA covering up ufos? How do you feel about it? Let me know in the comments down below. Post up a comment and let me know if this cooled you off or inspired you to study up on this subject. I would love to know! Thank you for reading this article and I hope you enjoyed it. I look forward to writing more interesting articles in the future, so please keep coming back! Until next time...I would love to read your thoughts.

Why does the government cover up ufos?

 Why does the government cover-up ufos? What the government knows about ufos? Why do you ask, are you really ready? You see, there is a lot out there. People have been seeing ufos for quite some time. The government has seen them but they try to cover them up because their purpose is unknown and they want it to remain that way, at least until we understand what’s going on or some new stuff comes along and blows our minds. Why do you think they do that? In a nutshell, it’s for our own good. 

So, what is the government doing? They are giving us clues through different means such as movies, books, and tv shows. We find these signs in all sorts of media but the most obvious one is in television shows like Stranger Things from Netflix where the protagonist has a journal that he writes about an experience with ufos. This is often misused because we are told that it is simply a fiction show, but then again, there are so many facts in the show that seem to be real. 

Why does the government cover up ufos?

The government knows about these shows but they cannot disclose them to us because they would be warning us about the phenomena. They want us to discover it on our own and not have them warn us ahead of time. That would be way too easy and they would not get their money's worth. They want us to think that we have figured it out all by ourselves and then when we come across something new, we will all look up in amazement at how farfetched these ufos really are. This will make the government look very smart and they will reap the benefits of this without us knowing. 

It is a little crazy but this is just the way the government works and they have been doing it since as far as we know. It’s been that way for a while now. I guess it would be pointless to try and change how we think about this because the government is going to do what the government is going to do. We just need to keep doing our thing and let them continue doing theirs. So what exactly are these signs that they are giving us? Well, I don’t really know but I can give you a few examples of things that make me go hmmm… 

I think the first thing that we need to talk about is the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. This movie was released in 1977 right around when the ufo sightings were getting a lot more popular. There are so many things that pop out at you when watching this movie. The movie Signs is another example of the government showing us clues through the arts. This movie is very prominent among ufologists and they talk about how many of the phenomena and signs have shown up in this movie. 

In conclusion, the government is constantly letting us in on how they are feeling about this phenomenon. I think that’s pretty cool that they are willing to let us in on this and it shows us that there is not a lot to worry about. They aren’t going to let us know everything because there would be no reason for them to cover it up if they wanted everyone to know. I think this kind of behavior makes a lot of sense because what we don’t know won’t hurt us. I can see the arguments for both sides but guess what, we will never really know.

What are your thoughts on the government covering up ufos? How do you feel about it? Let me know in the comments down below. Post up a comment and let me know if this cooled you off or inspired you to study up on this subject. I would love to read your thoughts.

why do people believe in ufos

 Why do people believe in ufos? Why not! Some people have seen them and some haven't, but we can't say for sure that they don't exist. You might think you're overreacting or just crazy, but what's the harm in looking? The government says that anytime you see a flying object in the day or at night, it's probably either a plane, a bird, or something else. When a lot of people report seeing the same mysterious objects flying in the sky, how can they say it's just one thing? It would be a shame to miss out on something so amazing! Don't believe what the government tells you, go out and check for yourself!

If you've been convinced that UFOs are just a myth, this article might change your mind. There are tons of things in this world we don't understand and when something is really strange it's only natural to try to figure it out. Who knows what little secrets they could contain? The truth of whether aliens exist is most likely lurking somewhere among our stars, waiting for us to just find it. So don't give up hope, maybe you'll be the one to find it!

why do people believe in ufos

Ufos were sighted everywhere in the world since 1947. There were sightings from all walks of life; pilots, military commanders, scientists, and even leaders of countries who claimed encounters with aliens. According to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) which is a nonprofit investigative organization based in the United States, there are 8 million people who claim they saw ufos directly or indirectly. There are some who believe that aliens actually exist, but there are also people who think that these UFOs are made by the government.

Between the years of 2000 and 2007, there was an increase in UFO sightings. In 2007 alone, there were over 5000 reports of strange lights in the sky. The largest spike occurred in 2012, when an estimated 65000 witness reports were given to MUFON. There have been many speculations about why this is happening and why the numbers are increasing every year. The truth is out there...

In Canada, there have been many UFO sightings reported in Quebec and Manitoba. According to MUFON, there has been an increase in the activity of ufos. Between the years of 2000 and 2007, there were about 150 reports more than the previous year. In 2011, there was a huge spike when 250 people called to report UFOs appearing over Quebec City. The sightings continued on for a couple of days and kept getting larger as they got closer to Montreal. With such an increase in activity, one can only wonder why this is happening...

Witnessed by over 1000 people, this is the closest encounter with aliens by mankind. On that spring day in 1984, videos and pictures of a UFO which was shaped like a large triangle in the sky were taken. These photos can be found around the internet and are a hot topic among conspiracy theorists and fans of extraterrestrial life. In fact, when asked about UFOs in an interview with CNN, Trump responded by saying he would get top people to find out what's going on because they probably know something we don't. Maybe he really believes that aliens exist...

This is why people believe or want to believe. The sheer amount of ufo sightings. They can't all be balloons or birds! With that number of ufo sightings, it makes you believe in the possibility of alien life. With the videos and photos that have been captured, it makes you wonder why they haven't been shared with us more often. It also makes you wonder how we haven't been able to capture them on camera ourselves or capture them in the sky with our own eyes. Maybe a little less skepticism would go a long way... There is a Chinese proverb that says "when the wise man points at the moon, the fool concentrates on the finger.

Why do ufos come to earth?

 Why do ufos come to earth? They come to earth because it is a place with life forms. It is the only planet we know of that has life in it and many see this as a sign of intelligent life making contact with another species. They may also be drawn to earth because we are an electromagnetic planet and they might need our energy for some unknown reason. If aliens are coming to earth, then it is not a surprise that they will come across humans since humans have been around for a very long time but many think that our civilization is very similar to theirs in some ways and this can lead them to try and make contact.

When you are out on the street, or even when you are at home, do you ever try and imagine what it would be like if there were more than just humans in our world? There are those who believe that there are more than just people on the earth. They believe that there has been a sign of other life forms here on earth for many years.

Why do ufos come to earth?

What is a ufo? A UFO or Unidentified Flying Object can be anything from an aircraft (planes, helicopters, drones) to phenomena such as flashing lights in the sky that are not planes or meteors, but no one knows what they really are. So far nothing has been able to identify what UFOs actually are; their origins remain a mystery.

Why are they visiting earth? UFOs are not really that uncommon in our world. We have seen so many happen over the years but there is still no real explanation as to what they are and the truth is, some people believe that these flying objects are alien-based spacecraft used on a regular basis. This would mean that there could be aliens visiting many different places at the same time, which will make it a lot more difficult for scientists to really explain how often UFOs really appear in the sky.

Many believe aliens are here to study us. They have a lot of information about our planet and they are looking to gather more from the skies. They also believe that we are like them. Many have made fantastic claims in which they say that they have seen aliens who are similar to us. It would mean that we are a mixture of both human and alien DNA, which would mean that there is not much difference between us and aliens after all.

Others think they refuel here on earth. Another thing that some are saying is that UFOs come to earth because it is a refueling station for them. Because we are an electromagnetic planet, they may need our energy in order to keep going and they come, get what they need and then head back into space once more. This theory can create a lot of problems as there would have to be other space stations like ours in order to make their travel easier on them.

Some say they are here for the spiritual growth of humans. Another interesting theory is that aliens are here for the spiritual growth of humans. If there were life forms out there, then it can be said that we would want to learn as much as we could from them. They could teach us things that we cannot learn otherwise and if we are in a position to meet life forms from other planets, then it would be a good thing for us to be able to learn about them.

Some just want to make contact with humans. For those who study the heavens, they believe that aliens are visiting earth because they simply want to make contact with humans. We do not have a lot of information about how they interact with each other so it could be said that they have come here in order to see what earthlings do. Some even believe that their interaction with us is similar to when humans went on a voyage of discovery and then reported back what they had learned.

how to contact ufos

How to contact ufos? How to find ufos? What are ufos? What do they look like? Do you have questions about UFOs? Does anyone know what a UFO is or how to contact one? Well, there are many things that people don't know about UFOs. 

So, here's everything that you should know about them. First of all, what exactly is a UFO? It stands for Unknown Flying Object and can be anything from small lights in the sky to large aircrafts. You may have heard some things they say it might be: angels, spaceships, aliens, or just tricks of light. But no one knows for sure because nobody has ever seen one up close and personal.

There have been many sightings and reports of UFOs, but no one seems to know of any evidence that can prove that they exist. They are often seen flying or hovering in the sky but don't land anywhere. Tonight, we are going to look at some true stories about UFOs. Now, you may be asking yourself: What are those? There has been a lot of speculation regarding UFO sightings over the years and while some might dismiss these anecdotes as nothing more than mass hysteria, as I will explain, there is much more at stake than keeping up with the Joneses in our modern age.

how to contact ufos

We have heard about UFOs since the beginning of our lifetime. But people were more concerned with natural disasters, wars, and famine than to think about aliens from another planet. The earliest sightings came from The Bible. In fact, you can read about them in the Book of Ezekiel in Old Testament.

It explains how a wheel had a brilliant light coming out of it. It was surrounded by a halo of fire and there was pure shiny metal glowing from within it. It landed on the ground next to Ezekiel and stood still for an hour before ascending back into the sky and vanishing completely out of sight. This sounds like the description of a UFO that we hear about today but this happened around 2300 BC.

So as more and more sightings have occurred over the years, humans have tried to reach out/contact them in one form or another. We humans have tried various ways to start the first contact such as using radio waves, sending messages, and transmitting various pictures of ourselves.

In modern times, we have discovered more advanced ways to communicate beyond earth and space. The most recent versions of this have been through radio waves. According to current estimates, there are billions of planets in our universe. Maybe those billions of planets are inhabited by intelligent life or maybe just millions of them. Many scientists think that aliens exist because they believe it is reasonable that if there is intelligent life on Earth, then other intelligent life must exist on other planetary bodies not only on this planet but also elsewhere in our galaxy and universe.

"In 1898, Nikola Tesla boldly announced to the world that he was going to send a radio signal out into space where it would be intercepted by extraterrestrials. He said that they would receive the signal back at a certain date." This also happened in 1899 when he guaranteed aliens would be here by 1900. But after the year 2000 came and went with no alien visitations, the public began to disagree with Tesla's claim. They believed him to be nothing more than a crazy old man, but there was a lot of evidence that pointed towards alien life coming to Earth in the future.

But that's not all. We've also seen movies about UFOs and aliens, which makes it seem like we're more aware of them than we really are. We have seen a lot of movies over the years and many have made it seem like there is something to what people say about aliens and UFOs. This is one of the most famous ones called "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." But can you really believe this? 

How to find ufos? Just looks to the skies! So many people find see ufos by just looking upward to the sky! Just make sure to have a camera handy at all times.  Just look around and take a picture if one shows up, it's as simple as that! There have been many objects spotted in the sky over the years. These objects can vary from large blobs of light to entire UFOs themselves. These sightings were also recorded by various governments from World War I, through the Cold War, until today.

why do ufos crash

 Why do ufos crash? Assuming they have, do we possess any ships. Does anyone? UFOs are strange things. It's not just a question of "why" they crash, but also "how" and most importantly, "what". With little to no answers, many conspiracy theorists have taken up the case. Some believe in government cover-ups while others think that extraterrestrial beings are crashing UFOs in order to study the Earth for research purposes. Whatever it might be, this is not a new phenomenon within our world. 

However, this is not what interests me today. What interests me today is the notion that UFOs are crashing on purpose to study us. I must admit that I don't know much about this theory but I've always thought of it as rather far-fetched and not entirely believable. UFO crashes are strange nonetheless and there's always a chance that some encounters with aliens occur which can be found in the "crash" records of NASA or NORAD or other incidents where pilots or security forces report seeing something suspicious up in the sky.

why do ufos crash

So why do ufos crash? They crash because they don't know how to fly. They crash because they've run out of fuel. They crash because they have a problem with the steering, have lost an engine, take damage, or simply can't handle themselves sufficiently. This is no different from commercial airplanes crashing and people should not get their panties in a bunch about it. As far as we know, ufos are machines. With that in mind, we should probably pay more attention to what the UFO pilots are doing and how we can learn from them. We should try flying one ourselves! Where there's a will, there's a way. But remember, don't expect the aliens to just hand over their ships because they crashed on human territory. They're probably still confused and pissed off that they crashed here unannounced in the first place.

Maybe various armies have shot them down. I don't know. But I do understand that we are doing some pretty shoddy research and that's inexcusable. Maybe, just maybe, there are some aliens out there who want to talk to us and live peacefully amongst us. Maybe they have technology which will benefit us greatly like medical equipment for example - if they have advanced that much.

I don't think anyone has really asked this question before but it seems like an important one to ask nonetheless. Do UFOs crash? I'm sure they do consider how many of them there are. Some crashes are just plain unexplainable and some things will remain a mystery but I believe that with hard work and dedication, we can learn to fly one ourselves. If I could make one wish, I would wish for a UFO to crash and thus begin my quest of learning to fly one. I am sure that there are many who would agree with me. Who among us wouldn't like to pilot a UFO and see what it's like from the inside? Maybe we can learn something about how it works.

According to a trusted source: "All kinds of things crash, including our own aircrafts and spaceships. So, it is not surprising if some UFOs come crashing down too." At any rate, I think we should look at this in a more positive light. There is nothing wrong with studying crashed UFOs in order to learn from them and possibly make our own better ones than theirs.

Finally, having said that. There is still the question of what happens to those aliens after they crash. Do they just pick themselves up and walk off, or do they leave the Earth? Or are they stuck here to study us for some indeterminate amount of time until we notice them and send them home? Do they go back home? To which place do they go back to? It's all speculation, but a bit of a mystery nonetheless. 

How do ufos fly?

 How do ufos fly? How do ufos work? Why are ufos here? The answer is: nobody knows for sure. Some people are convinced that the earth is being visited by an alien intelligence. Others claim it's all a hoax. UFO sightings are persistent and vary in credibility, but no one has any hard evidence.

There is no shortage of opinions on the matter, and plenty of debate to go around. We want to explore this space more deeply. Let's get started!

How do ufos fly and work? Well, if you listen to some of the "experts," they'll tell you that the answer is simple: we just don't know yet. According to others, we are on the verge of an earth-shattering revelation. Many UFO enthusiasts suggest that “disclosure” of information is on its way. They point to statements and actions from some major governments as evidence that some sort of formal disclosure process has been initiated.

How do ufos fly?

Many ufo researchers believe that vehicles somehow manipulate gravity. The legendary disc-shaped craft are often described as hovering or flying without any visible means of propulsion. This suggests that they are capable of generating powerful gravitational fields or maybe even breaking the bonds between dimensions. Some claim that the ufos are tapping into our collective consciousness.

These individuals claim that the ufo phenomenon is basically a telepathic communication. Allegedly, they can induce an altered state of consciousness in us that allows them to "get through." In this state of consciousness, we see messages or even see images of alien beings or other strange craft. Some think that aliens are able to override our own understanding of reality and manipulate our perceptions accordingly. Perhaps they're simply blending in with the natural landscape by altering physical things like clouds and trees. The reality is that no one has any idea how UFOs work.

So, ufos work by manipulating gravity? That's a pretty good theory, but how does it explain some of the truly bizarre accounts. People have reported seeing both “regular” ufos as well as outlandish unexplained phenomena including glowing orbs, pulsating lights, and unidentifiable creatures. These reports often include descriptions of otherworldly events combined with observations of classic ufo maneuvers such as triangular formations and zig-zag patterns of movement.

So, what's going on here? Are we looking at some sort of bizarre new form of alien technology? This theory suggests that the first contact with "them" has already happened, and the actual encounters are just now starting to surface.

The government is aware of this technology, and it's currently prevented from being deployed in an uncontrolled fashion. According to this theory, these interdimensional contacts are part of a military program that was designed to achieve full control over the phenomenon before it can be totally exploited in ways that could be potentially catastrophic. Some ufologists believe this is the real reason behind crop circles and other anomalous physical manifestations that have recently occurred across America.

Why are ufos here? One popular idea is that they're here to mine natural resources, trade with us, or study soil samples. Another idea is that they're just doing a fly-by of this planet on their way to some other destination.

But some say the evidence for extraterrestrial craft isn't so good: there's not much data on who these beings are or how they work (if at all). For example, even though more than 700 sightings have been recorded in the US alone since 1947 and even though nearly 75% of those sightings were reported by military personnel, government agencies refuse to acknowledge their existence.

The most widely known ufo sighting in america took place in 1947, when a group of people in New Mexico observed nine "disc-shaped objects" flying overhead. Reports of this and many other sightings by pilots and military personnel have been documented for years. And yet, the US Air Force and the CIA have repeatedly denied that these objects exist - up to the present time.

The US government has a reputation for refusing to acknowledge any flawed technology on their part, even when evidence is clear. For example, in the late sixties, they refused to acknowledge that they were using ineffective weapons in Vietnam even after pictures showed the human cost of those weapons (affecting both American troops and Vietnamese civilians). They've also been unwilling to admit that there is a serious domestic problem with their most destructive weapon, the atomic bomb.

Some have speculated that the reason they're not admitting UFOs is that they can't believe that we, as a world community, are capable of having some sort of technology that exceeds our ability to reproduce and distribute it throughout this planet - especially at this time in history.

In the sixties, a popular book was released entitled "Chariots of the Gods?" The book posited that extraterrestrials visited earth in ancient times, perhaps influencing our approach to technology and other areas of human endeavor. Archeologists, however, have not discovered any significant evidence documenting those visits - although there is one interesting story out of Peru. There, a stone carving shows what appears to be the landing gear on a "flying saucer." Of course, that could just be another example of our ability as people to invent stories based on random forms.

Finally, very little is known about the effects of technology when it interacts with natural forces. Some speculate that there may be some sort of incompatibility between natural energy fields and the alien technology that has been constructed by these beings. That could explain why some people have reported such negative effects like sleep deprivation and even illness - as well as increased levels of anxiety, depression, and psychosis.

where do ufos come from

 Where do ufos come from? How to find ufos? Where ufos are going? Exploring the sky for ufos is a great activity. Hmmm... a blog post about where UFOs come from, how to find them and if they are going anywhere? Now, where do I begin?!

UFOs have been an ongoing phenomenon for some time now. They're mysterious and we can't seem to figure out what they want. This is a blog post about UFOs-- where they came from, how to find them, and if they're going anywhere. We hope you enjoy this brief introduction! 

A lot of people think that ufos come from outer space or other dimensions but there isn't really any evidence to back this up. One Popular theory is that ufos come from our future. There are many variations to this theory-- some believe the future was destroyed by nuclear war because the ufos come from a radioactive wasteland. Others believe that if we ever find out what happened to the dinosaurs it will be revealed as proof of nuclear war. Regardless, most people who have seen a UFO conclude that they must be from the future for this reason. 

where do ufos come from

Another popular belief is that UFOs come from outer space, but unfortunately, there isn't much evidence to support this either. Because of this, however, there are many people who believe that UFOs are aliens and not something from the future. This is probably one of the most popular beliefs which still hold much weight in our society today. Aliens are from outer space, and they come here to visit earth. While most people believe that there are more aliens out there, many people believe that what we see isn't real. They're in fact holograms and aren't actually there... Some people think that the ufos actually come from inside of our sun. 

More recently, some people have begun postulating that UFOs could be coming from some form of a black hole or time rift in space. This theory has gained a lot of popularity lately and is no longer uncommon in regard to ufology circles. People once speculated that these rifts would lead to a future where life was better and more advanced than it is now. In this theory, things that we consider normal today would be considered impossible. Everything we know would have changed and it might be impossible to get back to the place where we came from. 

Space-time portals are the most popular theory for how UFOs come from. These portals are believed to lead from our present time traveling through time. It is theorized that these rifts or portals were created by aliens who lived in our past. Some people believe that if there is enough power, it could be opened and lead us back to our future. 

It is believed that once one has seen a UFO, the only way to find it again is to make contact with aliens. There are a lot of people who have come forward and claimed that they have made contact with aliens from UFOs. These people claim to be able to call upon UFOs at any time and make them appear. However, not many people believe them because these claims are often made after some traumatic experience. Some of these people claim that they were abducted by aliens and taken to their spaceship, some claim that they're not lying, but they just want to communicate with aliens. Others claim that the UFO they saw was looking for them. Still, others insist that even if they couldn't see a UFO, one was there behind them waiting patiently. 

A lot of people believe that UFOs are piloted by aliens and are sent out to check up on us periodically. These individuals believe that some of the more volatile and destructive items in our environment are sent as a message from their home planet because of what we have done with our planet or what we might do in the future. The alien's intentions are never explained because they have the ability to communicate with us telepathically. A lot of people who claim to see UFOs also claim that aliens can talk through their minds and tell them what to do or where to go. 

People who claim to see UFOs have said that they often hear strange whistling noises when they're close by. These sounds are believed to be produced by the UFO or the aliens on it as a way of summoning them in the future. There are other sounds that have been reported, but these are not as common and might be caused by other things such as insects or a nearby fan.

In conclusion, there are many people who have claimed to see a UFO, and most of them agree they came from the future, although there is no evidence to support this. There are many people who believe that UFOs come from alternate dimensions, aliens or outer space. Because of this, some people believe that it's possible to make contact with ufos. Some people even claim that they have already made contact with aliens and can summon UFOs of their own accord.

UFOs have been around for a very long time now and they're not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether or not we can determine where they come from is irrelevant because the fact remains-- we still don't understand what UFOs want or where they come from in the first place.

astronauts who have seen ufos

 Astronauts who have seen ufos? Greys? In the past couple of years, there have been a number of reports claiming that astronauts from various manned space flights saw UFOs during their missions. Claims such as these are not new and date back to at least 1961 when it was reported that astronaut Gordon Cooper saw two UFOs on his Mercury 9 mission (something he later denied). Similarly, in 2013, two Russian astronauts claimed they had seen a circular flying object - apparently a UFO - but this sighting was refuted by NASA. However, what is different now is that some people are starting to think that this spate of recent sightings could be the result of aliens wanting to make contact with us. 

The most famous (and perhaps most credible) recent astronaut UFO sighting is that of Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell who specifically claimed to have witnessed aliens and their UFOs. He told the Mirror that: "My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth. As far as I'm concerned there is no doubt that we are being visited." He also added: "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real." Mitchell - who just happens to be the sixth man to walk on the Moon - is not completely alone in believing in such things. Whilst he is the most high-profile and credible sighting, there have been several other reports from different astronauts over the years.

astronauts who have seen ufos

But what evidence is there that may support these claims? So far, no actual physical evidence of UFOs has yet been found by NASA or the military. The closest we've come to this so far has been with technology such as radar-type sightings and strange atmospheric disturbances on weather satellites. But no solid proof of interacting alien life has yet been found either... 

The main argument for these claims is that anomalies can be detected in the patterns and intensities of UFO encounters, something which makes it seem possible for them to be aliens trying to make the first contact with us. To an extent, this argument seems credible. Since the 1960s alone, there have been over 2,000 UFO encounters reported to authorities in the United States - some of which was apparently confirmed by the military (see List of UFO claims). If that's just a tiny fraction of them (and we know it is), then maybe there are many more that are not being registered. This would be enough to make it seem like aliens do not just want to make contact with us, but that they want us to know about it too.

Much of the evidence for these claims comes from researchers such as Dr. Steven Greer who had his own sighting in 1993. He reported seeing a Mars-type craft in the skies over Phoenix, Arizona which was later taken to Washington for further analysis. He also claims that he and a group of scientists had been given classified briefings by the Pentagon and NASA on what they found. 

Greer, who is co-founder of The Disclosure Project, is not alone in his beliefs either. Another notable sighting occurred in the 1980s when an alien craft was allegedly seen by retired General Charles Halt which has since led him to claim that there are UFO bases on Earth. There have also been several other sightings such as those recorded from multiple astronauts who saw some kind of "space needle" or something similar above the Earth's atmosphere.

While some of these UFO sightings seem to be attributable to aliens, it is important to remember that they are not all of this nature. There are many other sightings that have been attributed to hoaxes or "plants" by the military in order to hide certain information.

What is also important to note when dealing with these claims is that many of them are contradictory in nature. For example, apparently, there are at least three bases on Earth and they were discovered both from official and unofficial sources like the 2010 Wikileaks disclosures from Edward Snowden and Guardian's Martin Bryant's book called "Dark Moon: Apollo & the Whistleblowers". The issue with this information is that its validity was never actually proven.

What does the bible say about ufos and aliens?

 What does the bible say about ufos and aliens? Why are religions not talking about alien beings? Most people today believe that aliens exist and have visited Earth. However, there is no mention of such beings in the bible. What does the bible say about alien beings? If you are interested in this topic, we recommend you to read up on the subject as it might reveal new information to you.

The Bible states an important truth about human history: man doesn't yet know anything, but God knows everything - he created all things! Whatever they may be (angels, demons, extraterrestrial life), they're part of our creator's plan and ultimately will help us reach our own divine potential. There is nothing evil about aliens or ufos. Just like humans, they were created by God to fulfill an important purpose in God's plan.

What does the bible say about ufos and aliens?

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1). All that exists is part of His creation - nothing is outside of His plan. He is the Lord of all, and He created other spiritual beings in addition to man. We know that they cannot interfere with our freedom; they've already agreed to God's terms. But we can never assume that they're aliens or angels without a revelation from God because they can easily fool our senses and our minds with their powers (2 Cor 11:14-15).

When we look at the scientific evidence for UFOs and aliens, we need to keep in mind that they are nothing more than creatures of God. We're not looking for UFOs or aliens in the sky. The Bible doesn't say anything about them anyway. God, Himself has already revealed to us who He is and what He has done - there's no need for another revelation. On the other hand, since they are a part of His creation, they have their roles to fulfill in His plan just as humans do.

Both science fiction and popular theories always try to present alien beings as superior creatures from another planet coming to save humanity from itself with technology or other means. However, the Bible tells us that God alone is our Creator - we can never rank Him or compare Him to anyone. We have been given free will so that we can worship and love Him in our own ways. As Paul mentioned in Romans 1:20-23, God doesn't force anyone to believe and follow Jesus but He leads us to Himself, yet people rebel against His authority by sinning (Romans 3:9-20).

In the end, aliens will be judged by God and held accountable for their actions. They'll be thrown into a fiery furnace if they don't listen to God's will - "The Lord of hosts [is] terrible in counsel... Based on the Bible, this view is not only misleading; it's also dangerous. The Bible doesn't apply to them; they're not a part of our lives, and we shouldn't try to relate to them.

We need to be careful about the material we watch or read because it might mislead us about what God has already revealed to us. When it comes to aliens, everyone is equally limited. Unsaved people who are interested in aliens will always try to twist God's word (2 Pet 3:16) in an effort to make it fit the theory of alien life. Believers, on the other hand, will try very hard not to twist God's word by keeping in mind that the Bible doesn't say anything about them. God wants us to know Him while we're here on earth because He knows that no one can know Him if they don't accept His gospel (John 17:3).

What do ufos look like?

What do ufos look like? There are many reports of mystery craft in the sky. Many people believe they have been visited by extraterrestrials or even a new form of technology that is unknown to them. Some witnesses have seen the ufos with their own eyes. There are even incidents where ufos have been captured on camera. Have you ever seen a UFO? Do you know what they look like?

UFO sightings vary from witness to witness, but the interesting thing about all of these is that they’re not necessarily from any one location in our world, but many seem to exist in multiple places as the sky would be too crowded for them. How do we know these are actually UFOs and not something else that just happens to look like it would fit into this category? Some people believe they may be an alien craft, some think it’s manmade and maybe some form of military aircraft or space junk. But what do ufos look like?

What do ufos look like?

Ufos are typically reported to be either cigar-shaped, saucer-shaped, or triangular - with some being disk-shaped. Some sightings may also include lights. Ufos have been seen in perfect white light and sometimes in dark blue, green, or red. Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) do not appear to be solid objects that stand still. Most UFOs are reported by witnesses as moving at great speeds. UFO movement is often in erratic patterns without any known cause.

UFOs may also be reported as silent and hovering in the air or moving at high speeds with no sound. One sighting reported a "silent metal disc" flying slowly until it stopped suddenly. The object then moved off very quickly in an unusual direction. Another report was of a silent saucer-shaped UFO that moved at very high speeds and was gone in moments, although the witness thought he saw the object's "lights" after the UFO disappeared.

Reports of UFOs have included sounds such as a whistling sound that many witnesses describe as coming from above them or behind them or even from around them. UFO's also do not have landing gears, doors, or windows typically.

The most common shape is the classic disk-shaped ufo. The second most common is a cigar-shaped ufo. It is generally accepted that these are all man-made aircraft or experimental secret military projects. The third most popular ufo shape is the triangular-shaped craft. This one makes many famous sightings such as the Phoenix Lights, and more recently, the first video of a triangular ufo was recorded in 2004 by two men in San Diego, California. 

How long can ufos stay under the radar? Some people believe that when the public is told a real UFO sighting has occurred, the government knows about it immediately and responds with total surveillance of all those involved and then a cover-up of such activity. But are some UFO sightings being secretly made, and then back-engineered to create an illusion? In "Project Blue Book" UFO files, the U.S. Air Force's official study of UFOs from 1947 - 1969, they say the possibility of a real UFO sighting is one in a million but they still made an effort to find out what was seen. A variety of methods were used to determine whether a given report was valid or not.

In conclusion, the ufos of today are as much of a mystery today as they were in 1947. Some witnesses report seeing strange lights in the skies above them, others report some unidentified flying object that seems to defy the laws of physics and this is what makes many people so interested in what these things could possibly be. 

Ufos and aliens the truth about what is coming?

 Ufos and aliens the truth about what is coming? What are people truly seeing? Ufos have been seen regularly since the late 1940s. People have seen spheres, triangles, and other shapes moving through the air. Researchers at NASA analyzed images captured by space cameras and found no evidence of saucer-shaped UFOs in Earth's atmosphere. This led them to conclude that these UFO sightings were most likely explained by reflections on atmospheric ice clouds or dust particles.

Despite this, Ufos are still a popular topic of discussion and many people are questioning if maybe we really should be thinking about extraterrestrials rather than just reflections or hoaxes. There are hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings reported every year, and these sightings take place in almost every country on the planet. UFO sightings have been reported by people high in government, military and scientists. The governments of the world have maintained very close contacts with UFOs and some of these agencies have been involved deep into the UFO issue for many decades. 

Ufos and aliens the truth about what is coming?

In fact, much of the contact supposedly occurred within "a certain period of time" which is now well under way – it began around 1950-60 and has gone through many stages. (Tehran Times, 2nd January, 2004). There are a few governments which do not acknowledge such an involvement but most do. These reports show no sign of slowing down, and as technology improves, more and more people are able to capture videos and photos of these crafts. The U.S. government has been the most adamant in denying all such reports, and yet this had led to the impression that it knew something about these mysterious objects.

Ufologists are convinced that they have proof of extraterrestrial craft in images captured by NASA's space missions and they have produced real photographs of what look like a variety of alien aerial vehicles. The images range from beaming orbs to UFOs with blinking lights and spinning blades at their rear ends. Some photos show strange craft cruising aloft through outer space, while others show them landing on our planet (or very close to it).

Many people who have seen Ufos claim that the beings inside them seem to be watching us. There are a number of stories about small alien creatures being found at crash sites, but there is controversy about whether or not these stories are true. There are some researchers who believe that aliens have been living with us for thousands of years and they have influenced our technology, science, and even history. Others believe that the aliens are very advanced in their technology, and they are constantly visiting earth from outer space.

As an example of this latter group, we can see that some very well-known UFO researchers make very specific statements, often with supporting evidence (for example, Timothy Good's claim that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens). This sort of thing has to be checked out, as it is easy to misinterpret what is being said. In fact, I had a problem with my interpretation of such statements at first when I read about some top UFO researchers and their claims. They deliberately try to create an image in our minds of who or what the aliens could be.

The scary part is no one truly knows what is next. What is coming? Will they bring us new technology? Will we gain the ability to explore the cosmos? Or will they just take over and make us their slaves? It is a horrible thought to imagine that we will need their technology in order to survive. We have had contact with UFOs since around 1950, and if the government has been lying to us the whole time, then we have been living under some sort of totalitarian regime. This is why I believe that there are governments which are lying about what they know about Ufos, and why I believe that a free society is an absolutely necessary for our survival as a species.

In conclusion, no one knows what these creatures are hoping to accomplish, but there is only one thing certain. The future will contain some sort of interaction with extraterrestrials, and it is up to us as a global community to prepare for this possibility. No matter what they have to say or do, we will have to insist on our freedom, and we must be ready to defend that freedom against any threat.

What are ufos?

 What are ufos? UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, are a broad category of objects observed in the sky. The word UFO is typically used to refer to claims of visitation by alien spacecraft, but in some cases, it refers to other phenomena such as ghosts and angels.

Most UFO sightings are attributed to astronomical objects such as meteors, satellites or very bright planets that were misidentified due to conditions like high altitudes at night or low light levels. Some reported UFO sightings are hoaxes or cases of mistaken identity, and a small percentage are proven to be deliberate fabrications. Reports of extraterrestrial alien abduction have also been attributed to various psychological and physiological factors.

People sometimes claim to witness UFOs. Countless photos exist, and physical evidence is invariably anecdotal and generally unconvincing to mainstream scientists. Some have said there is evidence that some UFOs are of alien origin, and others say there is no credible evidence that this has ever occurred...

What are ufos?

UFOs have been the subject of speculation throughout history. One early description was by the Roman poet Ovid, who reported seeing a UFO in a dream of his at night after a shower. In Chinese history people on occasion saw "cloud dragons" that were thought to be alien spaceships (see also Flying She-Dragon). The ancient Greeks and Romans had elaborate creation myths revolving around flying objects that could take common forms, for example, as animals or aircraft. There are various reports from medieval Europe and Asia of travelers describing their visits to the abodes of fairies or demons who were apparently able to control fire as they flew through the sky.

Several scientific studies have attempted to determine the true source of UFO sightings. These include the books "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects" by E.U. Condon and "The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence" by J.S. Spencer, as well as several government-funded studies, such as Project Blue Book, Project Sign and Project Grudge in the United States, and the Robertson Panel in Canada (all now defunct).

The history of United States UFO reports dates to 1947, and there have been numerous international UFO incidents in recent years. Due to the lack of solid evidence, this topic continues to generate interest, and many people regard UFOs as a modern mystery.

The terms "Unidentified Flying Object" (UFO) and "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" (UAP) were coined by the American astronomer Edward J. Ruppelt in his book "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" in 1951. Ruppelt was also responsible for many of the early investigations into UFOs, especially those related to Project Blue Book.

Research into UFO reports has been conducted by both the mainstream scientific community and by independent organizations such as the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

The scientific community tends to conflate the term UFO with the term unidentified flying object as used by the public. Since there is no commonly agreed upon definition of either term, academic debate still continues over their true meaning.

UFO literature focuses on the purported physical evidence of UFOs, which includes photographs and "close encounters" involving alleged alien craft. Flying saucer enthusiasts have claimed that UFOs are spaceships, while some UFO literature has suggested that they might be biological creatures from other planets. Proponents of this belief cite many anomalous features in UFO photographs and video as proof for their claims. "Close encounters" consist of alleged cases in which people claim to have seen an alien spacecraft and been subjected to mind control or mind reading techniques.

In conclusion, there aren't many aliens, but there are UFO's that have been seen throughout history. They come and go as they please, but it is not confirmed if they were real or fake. There are so many people who claim to have contact with aliens. Most of them are hoaxes or cases of mistaken identity. Through the years there have been thousands of reports. Some reports are very detailed and others are very vague. Some get reported in newspapers and some don't make the news at all.

What makes a UFO report credible? Well according to Steven Jansen, ufos can be identified by 1.) Physical evidence 2.) Testimony by more than one person 3.) Recent sightings that have occurred within the last 50 years 4. UFO sightings considered credible by at least two different experts.

Another thing that makes a UFO report credible is that there are no earthly explanations for it. For example, a plane flying overhead can be mistaken for a UFO if it is not seen clearly and in the correct light. The same applies to weather balloons and meteors. Many people in the past thought that they were witnessing a UFO but after further investigation they found that there was an explanation for this object being in the sky.