UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Saturday, August 7, 2021

ancient astronaut theory

 What is the ancient astronaut theory? It is an old idea that the events of ancient history were influenced by advanced extraterrestrial beings. It is also known as the hypothesis that there were visits to Earth from beings who came from other worlds. This article will cover its origins and history, how it was received by scholars in ancient times, and what is being debated today. The ancient astronaut theory has been around since the 1920s and has got a new life lately due to renewed interest in ufology. People who subscribe to this are called ufologists, or just those who study ancient astronauts, and will claim that there are many signs pointing towards the idea that alien visitors may have seeded human civilization with important technologies like writing and metallurgy. This article will briefly address what is meant by the term 'alien' for people not familiar with it before explaining where these aliens might have come from.

ancient astronaut theory

Most people are not aware of this, but ancient civilizations do not actually seem to have been that old. The earliest civilization known is the pre-historic Sumerian civilization of around 4000 BC, and most people think that the indigenous people of the Americas were the first to develop agriculture and such in the New World. There are some historians who believe that this wasn't so as they claim there was already a stone age society living in the Americas before 7000 BC . The Sumerian civilization is known to be older than the American one, so if there was one earlier, then it could only be those from another place.

By examining old texts we can find their meanings have been changed during their passage through time. The word 'alien' in the ancient texts makes reference to extraterrestrial aliens, which then becomes translated as 'stranger', or sometimes as 'other'. So many people who were aware of this recorded what they believed was speaking from God and the Bible until the Church actually adopted many of these as their own.

The book of Ezekiel claims that "ll spirits, both good and evil", are being released from all over the planet, which is a nice way to describe ancient aliens.  Ezekiel also records that in his time, alien entities were indeed visiting the people of Israel. The word alien comes from the Latin word 'alienus' which means 'stranger'. This is not just from Biblical writings but also of other literature. We will be looking at a few examples so you can expand on this if you wish.

A group of aliens known as the Cydonians have been described in stories from ancient Greece and Rome. The ancient Greeks knew of a race of giants who were said to live in the mountains and they were called Cyclopes and Cyclopes were composed of two animals, a lion and an eagle. They are also reported to have had the power to make lightning appear out of nowhere, which is something that we can't do with our technology today.

These beings might have visited Earth at one time but they eventually left it for good, or perhaps even on other planets. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, these beings' home planet was named "Cydonia", meaning "to have a mouth". It is also said to be a lush island with many animals and has a golden throne at the center (hence perhaps meaning 'golden planet'). Despite not being positively identified in ancient records, there are many people who believe that this is the same planet called Mars because it has been used again by advanced races in recorded history.

In the book Vespasianakuides: The History of Gods , they describe how one day Zeus was performing his duties above Mount Olympus and he grew so tired that he collapsed on Earth. This led to the position of Mount Olympus being taken by a new deity called Zeus Chthonios (Zeus of the Underworld), who protected Greece for a while. The authors describe this event like this: "Every time that Zeus was ascending to Olympus he would swear on his father's head, and every time that he descended, he swore on his mother's, and at last he swore on neither.[According to Polycrates's account.] For long ages did Chthon remain in habitation there, but when [this] god became weary of it , and again ascended above the earth, taking with him all these spirits , this god [Chthon] left behind him many evidences of himself in the mountains and woods.

flying saucer drone

 Could flying saucers be drones from alien planets? What if they'll spy on us? It's no secret that world governments and scientists are trying to figure out the secrets of the universe. But what if some of these activities include using flying saucers to spy on us? What would happen if they found Earth-like planets and wanted to do more than just watch them? Could it be possible that these events are already happening, but we're not aware of it because the government or aliens have tried to keep it a secret from us?

We can't say for sure what is going on in space, but there are many things we can learn from. NASA has made some amazing discoveries, but there are many things that they have learned that they have kept hidden from the public. For example, they found frozen water on Mars years ago and found life on the planet Enceladus near Saturn.

flying saucer drone

It's unclear why the government or NASA would keep these findings a secret from us. Could it be that they are afraid that we will panic if we find out? Or could it be that they want to keep us more in control by not disclosing the things that they have found? Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that there are some things they're keeping from us. What is more frightening is what we don't know about alien life. Or maybe the alien races don't want us to know about them. Maybe their governments would worry about an invasion of Earth by these alien races because of our resources or just to make sure we don't attack their own planets if we find out about them first.

We have seen some strange flying objects in the sky that may or may not have been alien races. The term UFO stands for an unidentified flying object, but there are many theories out there about what these things actually are. Some people say that they are just government projects and others say they are aliens. But no matter what you believe, it's clear that there is something going on in space that we're not aware of and the government is keeping it a secret from us.

What if the alien races visiting Earth don't want to be found? Maybe they're here to observe us like we do with other Earth-like planets. If they were to find us, they might not want us to know that they are here. They might not want to be found. Maybe they are trying to slip away unnoticed in plain sight, and maybe that's what their cover story is. Maybe they are here to observe us like we do with other Earth-like planets. If their governments learn about it, then there is a chance that the government of Earth could try to attack them or even steal their technology.

The fact is that we don't know what aliens are doing out in space and we may never find out what's really going on in the universe. We can only do our best to figure out the things we can see on our own planet and hope that we can find an answer about alien life on Earth or on other planets someday. All we can do is keep our own eyes open.

A lot of people believe that aliens exist, but there are just too many things that we can't explain with the technology we have now. So, some people say that it's just a hoax to get more money into Congress and other state governments. These hoaxes happen every few years and get a lot of attention for a while until they die out as new discoveries are made about the universe.

But maybe it will take a while before we find out what's really going on in space. Even though NASA has found frozen water on Mars, there is still no solid proof that life exists on Mars or any other planet in the solar system. After all, we won't know what to look for until we know what to look for.

So, with all of those questions about aliens and secret government activities in outer space, there are also those who believe that life on Earth was created by aliens from another planet. This theory goes back to ancient times and it is known as the "ancient astronaut theory." People believe that these aliens or visitors came from the stars and brought life to Earth, but they have been gone forever since they destroyed their own planet or left our solar system because of a war. Some people believe it was a result of an alien race destroying itself because of nuclear warfare. Others believe that there was a natural disaster that destroyed their planet, like an asteroid hitting the planet and pushing Earth out of its orbit. But could all of these events be true?

If aliens have visited Earth in the past, then they may have tried to live in peace with humans for years without being detected by governments or human civilians. Could it be possible that there is a secret government project where they study alien life forms and capture them and experiment on them to learn about their technology? If this were true, then it would explain why aliens abduct people from Earth now and again.

It's obvious that alien races must know about our planet because we can see them flying by in their spaceships. We can see that they know about the Earth because we have noticed their spaceships in the sky for thousands of years. But we never saw them before the 1950s and NASA has drawn many pictures of what an alien spaceship might look like, but they never realized that it's actually what their own astronauts were using to explore space.

But it's possible that this is just a hoax, too. If aliens don't want to be found, then they would probably try to hide themselves from us so we wouldn't know if they were visiting us or not. Even though some secret government activities go on in space without being discovered by the public, it doesn't mean that aliens are secretly visiting our planet every few years and stealing our technology.

Whether aliens exist or not, it seems like there is much that goes on in space that we're not aware of. Maybe it's because of the technology the government uses to look for alien life forms, or maybe it's an ancient secret that has been banished from history books and never told to the public. But if there are aliens looking for a planet similar to Earth with intelligent life forms, then they may already know about us and where we live.

We may never know what's really going on in outer space until we get there ourselves. It's possible that humans will make a trip to Mars one day, but we still have a lot of work to do before we can safely travel through space for years.

what does a flying saucer look like?

 The flying saucer craze that dominated the 1950s and early 1960s was more of a media phenomenon than a real, scientific subject. It was fueled by reports of odd-shaped contraptions being sighted by citizens in faraway places, including the United States. After all, who did not want to believe that there were visitors from outer space among us? Although the term "flying saucer" acquired an almost literal definition as UFOs were actually said to be round in shape with raised centers and ridged or smoothed outer edges, the public's imagination ran riot over what these mysterious vehicles might be. 

A flying saucer could be from space, a space ship, a spacecraft, or some kind of bizarre new technological wonder. The term had been used to describe a winged disc in the late 1800s. The "saucer" part of the name probably came from the fanciful notion that the thing was spinning through its flight, similar to how a saucer is spun on its edge. A "flying" saucer implied that this new contraption could traverse great distances in little time. The earliest reference to a flying saucer by name occurred in June 1947, when Kenneth Arnold, then an Air Force pilot and private pilot, reported sighting something strange over Mt. Rainer, Washington State. He described what he had seen as "a chain of nine silvery objects flying from north to south at about 9,000 feet.

what does a flying saucer look like?

what does a flying saucer look like? Very good question. Different people descriptions are generally similar. They are described as being circular, or egg-shaped. There is a dome on top, and at times there have been windows visible. The color varies, but most often it's silver or gray in color. Sometimes they're said to be gold colored. They have lights on the bottom and around the outside edge, sometimes they have lights in the middle, and other times not. Their speed varies; it depends on what shape or size they are. They can go fast or slow. There is no visible propulsion system -- the saucers are seen flying at speeds far greater than any airplane.

Flying saucers are sometimes described as having a throbbing hum associated with them -- almost like an electrical generator. This humming can be heard from miles away and becomes louder as the object approaches. This sound always seems to come from the area of the dome. In some cases, this sound has been accompanied by a feeling of pressure against the skin.

What is inside a flying saucer? There are some accounts that say there are aliens inside. However, the more common description is that there are no aliens inside. Some of these objects have been described as having small "windows" which suggest some kind of living quarters. Still others say they can see electronics or tubes through the dome.

Lights have been commonly reported around the edge of the craft, along with several more lights underneath -- which would be more like portholes on a boat rather than landing lights like you would expect on an airplane. In some cases the lights are described as being red, blue, green, or white. These are the lights used to navigate at night. There is also the possibility that these craft might be powered by atomic energy and nuclear batteries.

Some have reported that the craft appear to be metallic in construction, but others believe that they are made out of a non-reflective material. They are believed to be from anywhere between 20 to 40 feet in diameter.

There is no way of knowing how many saucers are in the air at any one given time, but it is believed that most of them are very small, measuring from just a few feet in diameter to perhaps 30 feet or larger. Some believe that these saucers may be unmanned probes. It is not known whether they travel alone, as a squadron of 10 or more, or whether they travel with other spacecraft and/or alien craft.

where do flying saucers come from? One of the more popular theories about why aliens would come to Earth has been focused on our planet as a new colony. The landing of a flying saucer in the desert would certainly bring notice. Another possibility is that our planet is a dumping ground for useful pieces of technology that have outlived their usefulness on some other planet or in space, and these machines are being sent back to Earth for study and eventual return.

There is also a NASA theory, propagated by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), that secret armaments are being used in outer space against perceived threats. Some UFOs entering our atmosphere are believed to be space craft shooting down other UFOs as they approach our atmosphere, or even use such craft as decoys.

how to draw a flying saucer

 What is a flying saucer? The term was coined by a U.S. Air Force press officer for the Roswell UFO incident in 1947 (referring to a "saucer-shaped" object), and it quickly caught on as an evocative synonym for UFOs (unidentified flying objects). The term has since migrated to mean any unexplained airborne object of great interest to the public.

The flying saucer craze that dominated the 1950s and early 1960s was more of a media phenomenon than a real, scientific subject. It was fueled by reports of odd-shaped contraptions being sighted by citizens in faraway places, including the United States. After all, who did not want to believe that there were visitors from outer space among us? Although the term "flying saucer" acquired an almost literal definition as UFOs were actually said to be round in shape with raised centers and ridged or smoothed outer edges, the public's imagination ran riot over what these mysterious vehicles might be.

how to draw a flying saucer

how to draw a flying saucer?

An original, simple, funny and less time-consuming way to draw a flying saucer.

step 1: Draw a circle for the body.

step 2: Add a smaller circle inside of the bigger one for the cockpit. Then add an even smaller one inside of that one (the pilot's window).

step 3: With 3 lines, divide the body into 3 parts.

step 4: Do the same with the cockpit but make it 4 windows long (2 on each side). Now you can add buttons and levers in there, as well as a steering wheel or any other details.

step 5: You can also add some details in the cockpit. The windows should be pointed towards the front and the ejection seat should be tilted a tiny bit to make it look like the pilot is trying to escape.

step 6: With 2 parallel lines, follow the lines of the body until you reach a spot in which you want your saucer to stop. For example, if your saucer is flying away from you, draw a line lengthwise down from where your body stops (the bottom of your circle), and then another line perpendicular to that one and down from there (still going away from you).

step 7: Start the bottom of your line by drawing a horizontal line across the saucer. The line can be thick or thin, depending on how close your starting point is to the front or back. When you reach the end, draw a small vertical line going down towards it. You should now have an arrow shape (the same one you see people pointing at when they tell you that there is someone behind you). Do this again and again until your saucer is where you want it to be.

step 8: Draw a few lines going straight down from the body to make it look like the saucer is hovering in midair.

step 9: With a few circles, draw the lights around it (the inside can also be lit up if you want) and then draw a small circle on top of your saucer and give it some kind of antenna or something. You can also add some exhaust behind it if you like.

step 10: Color all your lines with the color(s) of your choice.

step 11: You can erase all the extra lines if you want, or you can keep them for volume/depth purposes (depending on what kind of picture you are drawing). Shadows help too.

step 12: Done! :]

In conclusion, there is no conclusion to this, as this is just an article on how to draw a flying saucer. 

Flying Saucer Drawing Tips!

Now that you have the basic idea on how to draw a flying saucer for beginners, you can add detail! It looks great when you add some more circles, drawing them in alternating colors. You can also use different sizes of circles and/or add in some squares or triangles for detail purposes.

What is a flying saucer?

 What is a flying saucer? The term was coined by a U.S. Air Force press officer for the Roswell UFO incident in 1947 (referring to a "saucer-shaped" object), and it quickly caught on as an evocative synonym for UFOs (unidentified flying objects). The term has since migrated to mean any unexplained airborne object of great interest to the public.

But the first English use of flying saucer dates back only about a decade before Roswell, and the word actually refers to a small, spherical model made by a well-known toy maker of hard-rubber balls in 1870. The word flying saucer was first used in an article about it that appeared in the New York Sun on May 3, 1870. At least three other notable publications (the Scientific American, Harper's Weekly and Frank Leslie's) also published pieces on or references to flying saucers in 1869-70.

What is a flying saucer?

Why do people believe in flying saucers? There are various beliefs about UFOs, such as they're extraterrestrial spacecraft or that they're military aircraft that have been perfectly disguised to hide their true nature from the public. Some people believe there's a simple explanation for UFOs: natural phenomena, hoaxes, airplanes, balloons, and so on. Nevertheless, there are many different explanations for what UFOs might be.

How many flying saucers have been reported? Reported sightings of UFOs may number in the hundreds of thousands. A dedicated agency within the United Nations has recorded over 300,000 such sightings from around the world since 1947; about 70% of these have been determined to be hoaxes, delusions or misidentifications.

Is there any hard evidence that flying saucers exist? No physical evidence has ever been found by anyone who claims to have had a close encounter. Have flying saucers ever been photographed? Photographic evidence of UFOs is ambiguous. Some photos show unusual shapes which could be interpreted as unexplainable phenomena, but the objects do not correspond to any known aircraft and thus cannot be accepted as proof of UFOs. However, some "sightings" have been corroborated by radar observations or photographs.

What are popular theories about flying saucers? The extraterrestrial hypothesis: UFOs are spacecraft from another civilization, usually presumed to be from another planet but possibly from a different dimension or time. [And no, the Greys aren't ETs.] The military hypothesis: UFOs are advanced aircraft developed by some nations (or others) and hidden in secret programs. [Likewise, ETs are not a military secret.] 

The government-industrial complex hypothesis: UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft or aircraft developed by the U.S. government for use in espionage and reconnaissance (e.g., as part of the ongoing project Blue Book) but "disappeared" at some point in the past. [I'd say that about 99% of modern UFO sightings are due to misidentifications of natural or man-made phenomena!] 

The psychological hypothesis: UFOs are naturally occurring phenomena which cannot be explained by conventional means; this includes hallucinations, illusions and hallucinations created by mental disturbances in people who have had experiences (e.g., abduction by aliens). [That's all fine, but a psychological explanation of UFOs is not inconsistent with another psychological explanation of UFOs — they're hallucinations and delusions created by people with various psychological disturbances.] 

The extraterrestrial hypothesis: UFOs were (or are) actually aliens visiting Earth. [This is a standard version of the religious explanation; in other words, the UFOnauts are otherworldly deities or messianic figures who will save us from the old world.] The anti-science and anti-rationality hypotheses: UFOs represent an attack by anti-rational forces against science and rationality. [This is actually a weird take on it — hardly anyone claims that alien spacecraft are an attack on science. It's a scientistic way of explaining what people see by resorting to pseudoscientific words such as "alien" and "anti-rational."] 

The occult hypothesis: UFOs are actually a disguised or disguised entities that represent archetypes of the human psyche, such as vampires and demons. [Again, this is hardly a scientific response. This is all fine if you're religious or occultist (and not a physicist or astronomer), but I think it makes the case against UFOs much weaker.

How fast can flying saucers travel? Since UFOs are believed to be able to fly faster than the speed of light, a rough estimate would be thousands or even millions of times faster than the speed of sound – at least several thousand miles per hour.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

types of ufos

 Briefly Ufos are Unidentified Flying Object. An unidentified flying object (UFO) is an apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable due to a lack of sufficient information. In recent decades, the term "UFO" has often been used as a synonym for extraterrestrial life. The term UFO was coined by UK journalist Henry Beam Piper in 1954, who wrote about "flying saucers". While the term originally referred to any unusual or unexplained sighting, it has generally come to refer to an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Reports of Ufos are often treated as a genuine phenomenon and can get media attention. Some people consider Ufos as a form of paranormal phenomenon. In recent decades, thousands of people have claimed to have seen UFOs. If you would like to know more about UFOs what is their types and more, don't hesitate to read on.

types of ufos

UFOs are viewed as a possible threat. From the earliest days of the United States, people have reported seeing unusual lights in the air. People also report that many UFOs appear and disappear without explanation. Some people believe that what they have seen in the sky could only have been a craft from another planet (or solar system) traveling through our atmosphere."

The UFO topic is a favorite to debate. While some sightings are very credible, others seem to be just misidentifications of weather balloons, airplanes, and other natural or man-made objects. Is the sky really filled with flying saucers from another planet? Or are there at least, a few very believable UFO sightings out there for us to talk about? UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. It refers to any object that is observed in the air but cannot be identified. The objects can be seen at night or during the day and they can vary from something as large as a plane to small enough to hide on a person's hand. 

They come in all shapes and sizes; some even have curved wings! But how do you know what kind of a UFO sighting is credible, and which ones are not? There are many different types of UFOs that you may come across during your lifetime. "Some UFO Sightings are believed to be secret government tests or research projects. Those reporting such sightings often believe that their government is lying to them and withholding information about advanced technologies developed by aliens and others unknown to Earth's inhabitants.

Types of ufos. The most common types are:

-             Disc shaped with a central body and a flat surface around the circumference

-             Flying Saucers - usually with the shape of a plate, with protuberances on top, bottom and sides

-             Balls or spheres - these are usually the most common types of ufo seen in pictures. They often emit light across their surface (see above) 

-             Cigar shaped objects which at first sight may appear to be an aircraft but then hover without any signs of propulsion.

-             Star shaped (asteroid) objects - these are rarely reported but if they do appear they tend to be a blue colour.

-             Triangular objects with three circles on their underside.

-             Rectangular shaped vehicles - these look more like planes or flying saucers but then hover without any signs of propulsion or even flight control surfaces. They often seem to be able to bend our view of space and time, often appearing, disappearing then reappearing.

-             Helicopters and other craft that look like conventional aircraft but then hover or fly away without any signs of propulsion or flight control surfaces.

-             Aircraft that drop 'blobs' and then disappear without any signs of propulsion or flight control surfaces.

-             Objects that do not follow the rules of physics and that do not move in any way we know. 

foo fighters ufos

 foo fighters ufos are unexplained flying objects that usually appear as a large, glowing, circular or elliptical white light with spokes. They have often been reported to emit beams of light from their underside and to fly in circles or fly in an extremely irregular manner. foo fighters are usually reported in military situations, often by pilots or anti-aircraft units, and can apparently fly in formation or perform maneuvers that are impossible for any known aircraft. foo fighters have also been associated with a variety of UFO-related events, including the appearance of humanoid beings in association with the objects.

foo fighters ufos

There were eight official reports of foo fighters during World War II from pilots and air crews (including bomber crews) of various Allied countries and their opponents. There have also been many other unconfirmed sighting reports from around the world in other wars dating back to World War I. While foo fighters are sometimes dismissed as naturally occurring phenomenon like ball lightning and some aircraft lights, many ufos are thought by some people to be used by secret military technology designed primarily for spy purposes like surveillance and deception operations.

Explanations for foo fighters are varied. Some people believe that they are artifacts of unexplained natural phenomenon like ball lightning or aircraft lights. Others believe that they are plasma balls, reflections, or simply mirages produced by the heat and haze from ground based atomic weapons testing in the Pacific north east region of the United States during the 1950s. Whatever the reason, foo fighters are common in the coastal regions of the Pacific north east and sightings have become more frequent as time goes on. They are most often seen near or above large bodies of water, especially over the ocean and occasionally at altitudes as high as 10,000 to 20,000 feet. The chief characteristics of foo fighters are their orange color, even sky glow at night, noticeable movement that is erratic or completely unnerving, strange floating sound and flashing lights. Sometimes various luminous structures will appear from them.

These phenomena don't pose any danger but are nevertheless spectacular to watch. People have listed many different explanations for them such as UFO's (unidentified flying objects), aircraft lights or reflections on clear nights. Still other people claim that foo fighters are debris from crashed UFOs but this view is dismissed by many UFO researchers as unlikely.

Accounts of foo fighters have been reported as early as World War I. Many of these reports were made as testimony during the Battle of Britain, in which thousands of Allied and German planes fought in a series of aerial engagements over southern England. Foo fighters are often reported as luminous balls, stars or streaks that fly alongside aircraft. They have been most commonly seen during World War II: for some people they have been described as seeing the "shadow" of their aircraft's propeller blades or taking on a shape similar to its fuselage. Other descriptions include observing cylinders and spheres that follow planes above them, or forms that resemble animals such as birds, bats, cats and dogs. Many foo fighter sightings have been related to the proximity of nuclear weapons tests at the Nevada Test Site and the Pacific north-east region of the United States between 1952 and 1963.

One of the first U.S. Air Force documents recording reports of foo fighters occurred on September 23, 1948, when an Air Force investigator from Wright Patterson AFB was sent to investigate a three day period in which one out of seven aircraft he personally studied was unable to detect orbiting objects overflew him. The investigator noted:

Some of the "greater percentages" of unexplained cases stem from those reports [i.e. foo fighters] coming from aircraft at night... [In such instances,] a red light is observed close to or approaching the aircraft. The red light appears to either match or trail the aircraft, and in some positions, it shines brightly and then disappears suddenly. 

During the 1950s, foo fighters were routinely sighted in the vicinity of nuclear weapon tests conducted at the Nevada test site. For example, a reporter for the Las Vegas Sun stated that his plane containing reporters and crew was being followed by flying disks over Frenchman Flat during Operation Teapot on March 7, 1953. A Los Angeles Times reporter also witnessed nine glowing objects over Frenchman Flat on that day.

On June 20, 1952, an F-82 fighter pilot for Air Defense Command (ADC) near Moses Lake reported seeing lights in his aircraft's vicinity while chasing an unidentified target on radar. Upon investigating them he found three large lights flying between 9-10 thousand feet directly above him. The objects traveled in a triangular formation and then merged into one.

On June 12, 1953, an air defense command radar site near Terra Haute, Indiana tracked a high altitude object from their site. A pilot flying nearby was able to confirm the radar readings and saw the craft as well. He described it as having very bright lights underneath and being unlike any aircraft he had seen before. The pilot provided an estimated 1100 mph speed for the unknown object.

On September 12, 1954, an F-94C Starfire jet fighter was scrambled from New Castle AFB in Delaware to pursue a large bogey over Pennsylvania at 25,000 feet. The pilot saw a group of red lights six to eight miles ahead near the towns of Lock Haven and Williamsport. When he approached to within four miles the lights disappeared.

On March 28, 1956, a pilot from Langley AFB claimed to see a bright red light just off his right wing in the vicinity of Norfolk, Virginia. He was flying an F-89J Scorpion at 25,000 feet. The aircraft's weapons system officer saw it also. They attempted to pursue the unknown object but it outpaced them easily even though they were flying at 600 mph.

On September 5, 1958, a flight of four F-100 Super Sabres and an F-101 Voodoo were scrambled from MacDill AFB to intercept a bogey over Virginia. After a short chase the aircraft lost visual contact with the target and returned to base without having been able to reach it.

Reports of foo fighters apparently ceased after 1963 but reports continued into the 1980s. Since an estimated 40 percent of UFO sightings are cases on which multiple witnesses agree, it is thought that foo fighters still occur frequently. Reports of foo fighters usually come from witnesses who are not pilots and are generally associated with large glowing lights in the vicinity of nuclear weapons tests and sometimes radar sightings.

During the 1950s, the USAF investigated foo fighters with a special "Project Blue Book" unit and had their own explanation for the phenomena. The USAF believed that they were part of an air force secret project called "VehicleIdentification (VIP)" system which was a countermeasure against hostile foreign aircraft. The Navy, on the other hand, claimed that foo fighter sightings were caused by electrostatic discharges in objects such as ships' foghorns which were mistaken for UFOs.

dreams about ufos

 What do dreams about ufos mean? Dreams about aliens? Or are they about being abducted? In this blog post, we answer the question: what do dreams about ufos mean? We also answer the question: what do dreams about aliens mean? And finally, we address the question: what do dreams about being abducted mean?

This is a comprehensive blog post that will cover everything you need to know if you have been experiencing these types of things. Make sure to read thoroughly!

dreams about ufos

Dreams about ufos

- Dreams of flying ufos could be a way to explore your creativity and talent for the arts, especially in terms of music or visual art. In that case, dreams about ufos reflect a desire for artistic freedom and expression.

- Dreams of flying can also be a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed by what's going on in your waking life. Dreaming of flying is a way to flee from your stressful reality and feel free for a moment.

- Dreams about ufos can also be literal projections of your real desire for the impossible. Many people want to believe that it's possible to fly through the air, and their dreams are a way to do this without landing in trouble with the law or their loved ones.

- Dreams about alien contact include finding yourself in an alien environment, feeling that you know everything about it, yet not knowing it at all. It means you're involved with something that feels very familiar and comfortable, but which is somehow fundamentally different.

- Dreams of being abducted by aliens mean that you're going through a profound change in your life. These dreams can be terrifying in nature, as the experience is unfamiliar and confusing to you.

- Dreams about aliens and UFO activity could also be a way to learn more about yourself by doing something outside your comfort zone. It's a way of pushing at the boundaries of who you have been and what you consider yourself capable of.

- Dreaming about being taken into outer space could be an opportunity to explore aspects of your personality that have been repressed due to many years spent in rigidly controlled environments.

- Dreams of space travel can be a way of escaping your troubles. In dreams, you can do anything you want, and space travel is a way to experience the freedom and wonder offered by the stars.

- Flying through air without any means of support is a dream about your ability to take flight in the face of difficulties and heavy responsibilities. It means that you can move beyond the limits imposed on you by others, and find a new perspective on life with no boundaries.

- Dreams about alien abduction are often linked to fears about invisible forces controlling your life. These dreams represent an impulse towards instinctual behavior in opposition to logical thinking patterns. It is a way to allow yourself to pursue goals without all the things that have been holding you down.

- Alien encounters can be about making strange connections, or recognizing what's familiar and then letting this certainty overcome your confusion. Dreams of alien contact are a call for you to accept the reality of your emotional truth.

- A dream in which the aliens have been friendly means that you needn't fear the changes going on around you. It means that there are new opportunities coming your way and they will help to expand your horizons.

- Nightmares about UFOs can be disturbing dreams in which something strange has happened or is about to happen with no apparent explanation. They might make you fearful about feeling totally alone or helpless in the face of an unfamiliar force.

- UFO abductions are dreams that will make you feel uneasy, out of control, and even scared. You might have feelings of anger at the situation and resentment towards the aliens for doing this to you. Dreaming of abduction by aliens might be a way to release these emotions.

- A dream about being inside a flying ufo can be an unsettling experience if it occurs in a context where you feel that your life is out of control. It means that you're keenly aware of things shifting around you, and that something is trying to draw your attention towards it.

- A dream about seeing a ufo means that you're trying to make sense of some strange and unexpected events. You might feel a bit uncertain, but you're also keenly observant and interested in exploring what's going on.

- Seeing a flying saucer in your dreams means that you've experienced something unusual or uncanny, something that feels too weird to put into words. You might feel as if part of your personality has been discovered by others, or as if some aspect of yourself is being exposed.

- Dreaming about flying saucers is an indication that things are changing around you in ways that are beyond your control.

In conclusion, dreams about ufos can mean a variety of things. They are an expression of your feelings about freedom, change, and creativity. They can also be a way to explore the depth of your fears, and they can reflect your curiosity to expand your understanding of the world around you. Dreams about aliens and being abducted allow you to push at the boundaries imposed on you by reality. Flying ufos could reflect your desire to be free and to explore adventure and the unknown. As you can see, having a good grasp of what your dreams mean is important! They're a great way to tap into your unconscious mind so that you can learn about yourself in an authentic manner.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment below. I'll get right back to ya!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

ufos conspiracy theories

 ufos conspiracy theories are numerous and rabid. As of 2016, it was estimated that the number of ufos sighted each day around the world is over hundred. Some people believe these are little green men from outer space, while others think that they’re alien ships to be used for nefarious purposes. There has been a wide variety of shapes and colors reported in the sightings, as well as a wide range in size. There are also numerous anecdotes where people claim to have seen ufos but haven’t been able to get anyone else to see them too.

ufos conspiracy theories

List of ufo conspiracy theories:

There are several conspiracy theories regarding ufo sightings. A few were briefly mentioned earlier in this article, but here we’ll go into some more detail.

One of the most popular ufos conspiracy theories is that they exist as a warning from above us to change our habits for the better. Pollution and overpopulation are two major issues currently faced by the planet, and one way to solve these problems is to get rid of all of us that aren’t contributing to making our lives better. No one else will see these ufos because they won’t be around to tell anyone about them when the extermination begins.

Some conspiracy theorists say that ufos were developed by the government itself, and are intended to scare people into thinking that a major threat from outer space exists. This will distract humans from noticing any gradual changes taking place in their own lives, as well as the government’s attempts to curtail civil liberties.

UFOs have been described from a wide variety of viewpoints. The UFO phenomenon is as old as modern science fiction literature. The idea of extraterrestrial visitors is generally held by a minority of people who are otherwise religious or superstitious, while most scientists believe they are hoaxes or hallucinations.

Others believe that the ufos seen around the world have been created by secret groups on Earth. The Nazis are believed to have gained advanced technology during World War 2 by working with an alien race, which is why they were so advanced in their war efforts. If that’s true, then perhaps they’re still around and working on ufos now. These will be used to control the minds of humans in the future if they go out of control, or maybe just to fight each other in space wars.

Aliens themselves are also believed to have created ufos, although for their own purposes. Aliens live longer than humans do, and their technology is hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of ours. This can easily explain why they don’t want us to see them: They have no desire to be caught up in the drama that takes place on planets like Earth.

The next ufo conspiracy theory is that they are here on Earth to protect us. But who from what? They’re obviously not here as friendly observers if our planet is in trouble or if we’re going to go extinct. Perhaps they’re here because our planet has something they need, like water or minerals or food. If this is a fact, then it would be an act of war if we ever decided to attack them.

An opposing ufo conspiracy theory is that the aliens want nothing from humans but rather seek to enslave them. They may be gathering up humans for food, or possibly to fight in wars. More likely is the situation where they have a use for our bodies or maybe our minds.

One last ufo conspiracy theory is that these extraterrestrial visitors are actually future versions of us from centuries or even millennia into the future. They’ve come back in time to observe their ancestors so that they can learn about their own origins and how they became the advanced beings they are today.

Finally, one conspiracy theory states that all of these theories are simply an elaborate hoax. People have noticed that there’s a lot of money in the ufo business, and they’re constantly searching for any data that has been hidden in plain sight. There are also hoaxers with enough technical skill to make sophisticated ufos and even craft elaborate stories about their origins and functions.

Another possible explanation is that aliens do exist, but they’re not supposed to be seen by humans because of the great technologies needed to keep them from being discovered. Their presence would also alert humans into understanding that we are in fact living on a planet far more advanced than we thought, so it would ruin our ability to hide technology from each other here on Earth.

There has been a lot of discussion about the topic of ufos and the various conspiracy theories surrounding them. With so many ideas being discussed, there’s probably no end in sight as to who or what might be behind these things. It doesn’t matter if you believe in aliens, government coverups, or secret societies. The following list is just one of many theories that have been put out there by people over the years. 

A common theme among all conspiracies is that they are part of a larger agenda to control people on Earth, kind of like how the Illuminati is used as an example by a group known as "The New World Order.” 

The popular conspiracy theory that aliens are visiting the planet is related to the conspiracy theory that the government knows this is happening. 

There are many patriot movements and anti-government groups in America who believe that the government is hiding information from its people. They think that this information, if made known to everyone, would cause extreme confusion among Americans – and if they panicked, then there would be no way to control them. 

Many people believe that huge corporations such as Google and Facebook are in bed with the CIA and NSA. Their goal is to monitor everybody’s communication so that they always know what people are doing at any given time. This information helps them control the people they’re trying to make slaves of.

A lot of people believe that a race of alien beings has created this world. Humans are not supposed to be able to compete with these beings, at least not on their own planet. Humans can’t fight them either because of their advanced technology. This is all part of the plan for dominating Earth and making us their slaves. 

There have been various stories written throughout history that imply extraterrestrial beings created the human race as an experiment or that there was some kind of experiment in which we were created as a failed species.

ufos information

 ufos information and facts: UFOs have been seen in all 50 states. There are ~75,000 reported UFO sightings every year in North America alone. UFOs have been observed by hundreds of scientists, astronauts, and other credible people worldwide. The number of UFO reports is constantly increasing because people feel more comfortable coming forward with their encounters. The number of UFO incidents in the United States has doubled every decade since the 1940s.

There are many conspiracy theories as well as believers and skeptics for every claim made by these sighting reports. Although some of these claims may be false, it is still an interesting topic that the whole world participates in. Many skeptics claim that UFOs are all a hoax. I am not going to try to persuade either way on the existence of extraterrestrial life, aliens, or UFOs. I will just present the facts and let you decide for yourself whether there might be some truth to these sightings or not. I won't be providing any opinionated statements in this article. 

ufos information

Aside from the UFO Sightings Phenomenon, there have been many people and organizations that have attempted to explain what is happening. These different explanations include:

UFOs are spacecraft piloted by extraterrestrials

UFOs are natural phenomena such as planet forms or weather formations

UFOs are other Earthly objects or man-made crafts

UFOs are secret military craft or advanced aircraft

UFOs are ghosts or other supernatural entities 

UFOs are illusions, hoaxes, or figments of the imagination

UFOs are demonic or inter-dimensional entities

Other Explanations:

The following list contains a collection of interesting information that I have come across while researching UFOs. All of these items listed are from my personal experiences or research. Many of the items listed are fascinating and others are just plain strange.

The term UFO was first introduced by a reporter for the "The Washington Post" in his article titled "Flying Saucer Mystery Solved". He gave the term to objects that were seen in the sky. The term has been used for decades and is still being used today. The following are some facts regarding this technology.

UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) were first spotted by people during 1939, when a camera-wielding pilot recorded several objects flying around over Montrose Airfield, near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. The images were captured on 16mm film from the window of his plane, and showed strange objects flying around. But the official explanation was that they were birds reflecting light from the sun.

Flying Saucer: This is the most common form of UFO sightings. They are round in shape with flat bottom and domed top. The center of the dome has a window. These crafts are also referred to as "large cigars" or "lights". These objects are capable of high speeds and traveling thousands of miles per hour. They also exhibit advanced air combat maneuvers (ACM). Some have speculated that these craft must have been designed by the best aircraft engineers in the world, hence the term "Alien Spacecraft". Not only do they exhibit advanced flight capabilities, but they also appear to be able to cloak themselves from our view but not other forms of radar detection.

nazi ufos

 The Nazi were a political party that wanted to defeat the communist and gain more land. The Nazi party was controlled by Adolf Hitler. They have many beliefs that were different from the normal people. Many people think Hitler started World War II when he tried to take over Europe.

The Nazi Party was one of the most powerful political parties in history and had a lot of power. They had six key rules they were trying to follow and some of them are no fighting outside their territory, fighting against Jews was normal, following orders, secure national borders, don't talk about your party with outsiders, or clandestinity is important.

Most people don't know that Hitler had a secret group called the SS. The Nazi Party was a political group used to get power in Germany. The SS also helped Hitler gain more and more power in Germany. The leader of the SS was Heinrich Himmler.

nazi ufos

The Nazi party started in the 1920s and took power in the early 1930s. The Nazi party was a fascist political party. They had four beliefs and they were anti-communist, had a right wing, had a totalitarian state, and they were nationalists.

* Anti-Communist- They didn't like communists because they said that if you were socialist or communist then you didn't believe in God which was one of their beliefs. They also thought that you could start an uprising against your government if you wanted to change it or get more rights.

* Right Wing- The Nazi's gave the rich more rights than the poor people but some states did not follow this rule so most people saw them as middle ground.

* Totalitarian- They had total control of the government. They took control of all media and there was no freedom of speech or press. They were also anti-Semitic so they didn't like people who were Jewish at all.

* Nationalist- The Nazi party was a nationalist party because they wanted the Germans to be first in every country. They also wanted to expand their empire and have more land.

ufos? ancient aliens? no, nazi ufos! the idea that nazi secret weapons were of extraterrestrial origins is now backed by substantial evidence from a number of sources, according to believers. This has been covered before on this magazine, but new and important testimony from several credible witnesses has recently come to light. first, it is now known that the nazis had a rocket base in antarctica which was destroyed at the end of wwii through detonation of an avenger torpedo loaded with aluminized-uranium shells. according to two top secret u. s. military reports, the remains of this base are still there and “the nazis did not get very far with their antarctica base, since they had to abandon it when war broke out.”

It is thought that Nazis had ufo technology somehow.

Evidence for this? The Nazis had early rocketry research, the German military was known to make antigravity flying saucers at the end of WWI. It is thought that the Germans recovered a crashed UFO in Antarctica after Hitler's defeat. The Nuremberg trials reveal something called Operation Highjump. This was an American and French military operation in 1947 which buried a stash of Nazi paraphernalia, including alleged secret aircraft designs, at the Neumayer Station base on Antarctica. We also know that there were Nazi saucer bases in Antarctica that were always destroyed before they could launch any kind of attack on England or America (they literally could have been wiped out and no-one would even know).

The Wunderwaffe is the term used by historians and researchers to describe the novel weapons developed by Nazi Germany during World War II. The name translates as "Wonder Weapon" or "Miracle Weapon". Many of these weapons were experimental, but not all of them were unusual as they are often perceived today. Most of these weapons were in development long before the Nazis came to power in 1933. Many were the result of research and development programmes going back to the early 1920s, while others were extensions of already-existing technology into novel application - such as guided missiles and jet-powered flight.

ufos area 51

 What is area 51? Sure, you really want to know? Area 51 is a top-secret U.S. Air Force military installation in Nevada, referred to as Dreamland and Test Base 1 by the government. Area 51 is a place where many of the nation's most spectacular spy planes are housed. UFO sightings near Area 51 have been reported since World War II, but it wasn't until President Truman ordered an inquiry into UFOs that the government put up its first fences around what would later become known as "Dreamland". The purpose of the enclosures was to protect any sensitive military secrets at risk; it also made area 51 off-limits to civilians without permission from the U.S. government or its contractors or licensees like Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. 

Ufos area 51? Area 51 is the focus of intense UFO and conspiracy theorist interest. Theories range from aliens to alternative universes and black holes. Some of the most popular theories are outlined below:

The "Black Manta" : The Black Manta is an alleged UFO, spotted by a witness in the Groom Range area, 15 miles northwest of Area 51. Although he saw it for a very short time at dusk, he says it was dark and triangular in shape. He also claims that it hovered and then moved away at a very high speed.

ufos area 51

The black helicopters: Rumors that sinister black helicopters fly over Area 51 have been around since John Lear reported seeing them in 1979. The black helicopters are described as having no markings except for a red LED.

Project Blue Book: Blue Book was the name given by the Air Force to a project involving investigations into UFOs from 1947 to 1969. From 1952 to 1969, UFO sightings were investigated by the Air Force. In 1969, the Condon Committee, named after Edward Condon of the University of Colorado, studied 409 UFO reports and concluded that UFOs do not present a national security threat and should not be studied further. The Air Force ended Project Blue Book sometime in late 1969 or early 1970.

Roswell incident: On July 8, 1947, an object crashed near Roswell Army Airfield in New Mexico which became known as "the Roswell Incident".

In 2003, a top-secret US military document from the 1950s, gave new credence to these rumors. The document was titled "Flying Disc/Oboe" and it suggested that the United States is in possession of flying discs or UFOs.

The "Constant Vigil": Former Area 51 security personnel called the Constant Vigil have alleged that alien spacecraft are stored at what they call Dreamland and waiting to be examined by the government. They also allege that Area 51 is merely a cover for a vast underground complex with its own power grid, water supply and living quarters for aliens on Earth, where they can’t be seen by public gaze.

The U.S. government is also reported to have worked on a few other projects at Area 51 over the years, such as nuclear weapons and flying saucers, which later became the basis for a few of their programs that are currently in place - both in orbit and on the ground.

Where does this leave us? No one really knows for sure what goes on at Area 51. This brings us to our next question - Just how many UFOs have been seen near Area 51? Well, quite a few, actually; enough sightings have been reported that UFOs are now a common occurrence near area 51 and sightings are not limited to nighttime by any means.

Of course, the UFO sightings near Area 51 aren't limited to just alien visitors; they also include NASA pilots and military crews who are said to be on site for various special projects. Many of these reports include unusual sightings and events, but no one is really sure what the purpose of them is or if anything is really going on at Area 51.

In addition to the Nellis Air Force base, there are many other military bases located near area 51. The military industrial complex has a long history with secret planes and bases, ranging from the Area 51 UFO crash to Area 52 in Nevada (another top-secret government installation that was featured in the television show "Stargate" in 1994).

youtube ufos

 Thanks to social media like youtube, ufo videos are no longer confined to the dark, dusty back shelves of old National Geographic magazines. Millions of people are now turned on by these wild stories and crazy videos. When all you have to do is sit back, relax and watch a video on your smartphone or laptop, it's hard not to get caught up in the amazing things happening within our solar system right now that could very well be evidence of extraterrestrial life.

With that being said, whether you believe in aliens or not, there's no denying that youtube has opened up a whole new realm of history books for us. It allows us to go back in time, explore unknown places and learn new things that would have been simply impossible for us to understand.

youtube ufos

Take for example this video which was originally posted on February 26th, 2017. The video is a compilation of 24 different close encounters that took place in 2013 and 2014. With each encounter uploaded to the official UFO channel you can be sure that these videos were captured by a real person with no editing done whatsoever. With each encounter you can clearly see some sort of aircraft around the unidentified flying object (UFO) as well as an outline of the unidentified object flying in front of the aircraft in some cases.

But back to those ufo videos. There's no denying that there are some pretty amazing videos on youtube. Here are a few of the best ones you've probably seen already.

The Breakdowns – This is one of the best videos on youtube right now and it's not surprising. This video is uploaded by UFO Chasers and it's freaking amazing! The video description says: "UFO Chasers is the world's leading source for UFO related content including free videos, photos and other information. We have been producing the most impactful UFO footage editing our content to make it look like a movie."

The Black Triangle – Another great ufo sighting that has been uploaded to youtube by UFO Chasers. The video shows two different encounters with unidentified flying objects on December 21st, 2010, and March 18th, 2010. Actually, there are so many out there that it was hard to narrow them down...but just watch this one first and then you'll see why we love it so much!

Is It Real? Just watch and decide for yourself...The video above is one of the most famous UFO clips on Youtube. It shows a video shot from multiple angles over multiple days by a variety of witnesses as they all videotaped an unidentified object in the sky above their homes. If you watch it and think that it looks too good to be true, then you must be new here. This is part of the fun of looking at these videos. It's up to YOU to decide if it's real or not...and if you've come this far in your research into the strange and unknown, then there should be no problem with that!

In conclusion, Ufo Videos are so popular these days! Don't you think that's great? It's very exciting to see all that is being discovered every day! It's a great feeling to know that there are still so many mysteries left in this world that we haven't even begun to explore yet. It's pretty awesome. So keep watching and enjoy all the new discoveries. Thanks for reading this article so far! If you want to learn more about the unknown, we recommend you check out our other pages on the most interesting and unexplained facts.

ufos info

 What are Ufos/uaps? Ufos are unidentified flying objects. Uap stands for unidentified aerial phenomenon. People see them by looking at the sky and they can't be identified, so it's called a UFO. One theory is that ufos are human-made devices that are closely related to military research. There's another theory on what ufos are, some experts have said they're vessels from outer space that are bringing new life to Earth. Other theories have said that they're either natural or from outer space. But nobody really knows for sure why people keep seeing them in the sky above Earth's atmosphere.

There are sightings of ufos all over the world, especially in large population areas. The military, government and law enforcement agencies of many countries are looking into Ufos because they don't know what they are. The question is who are they? Where do they come from? Are they friend or foe?

There have been many pictures or videos of Ufos taken by people. Sometimes you can see a ufo when you look at cloud formations. Sometimes you can see it and take a picture of it. But there are times when ufos are spotted, but no one sees them until someone watches the video or pictures afterwards. The most common way that ufos are seen is in the sky at night, but if a person is driving their car and looks up in the sky, sometimes they will see a ufo flying through a clear blue sky.

Myths and legends of gods and aliens have been around since the beginning of time. In my opinion, ufos are from outer space. Why do I believe that? Well because of the highly advanced technology that is used in them. Yes, they do appear to be from outer space. So how did they get here? I don't really know, but they were probably on some other planet and either drifted here. Ufos can be seen in the sky all over the world, but most sightings are in countries like Mexico, Japan and Brazil where the population is large. 

ufos info

Ufos info

What would you like to know about Ufos/uaps? I want to know what people think they are. What do I do if I see one? Do you think we've found life outside Earth? How did it start happening? Is there somebody controlling them and do they have a point of origin sometimes or are they just random in the sky? There is more than one type of alien tech: Greys, Reptilians, Nordics etc.

Who see UFOs? People who are the most likely to report UFO sightings are pilots, military personnel, and police officers. These people often have backgrounds in sciences that require degrees in engineering or physics. These professional careers would make it seem like they would be able to identify a flying object that looks like a plane or another human-made vehicle if one was coming near them.

How many people see UFO's each year? The number of people who see UFOs every year is unknown. Every report has been taken but there's no way to know the exact number because UFO sighting reports may vary from person to person and it depends on which country the sighting victim lives in.

Where are UFOs seen? These flying objects are seen all over the world. But more sightings occur in the United States than anywhere else. The vastness of the United States makes it a popular place for ufos to be spotted. Some people say that's because America has the most air traffic than any other country in the world, so it would make sense that more people would see them when there is so much air traffic as opposed to a country like Japan which only has high-speed trains and not very much air traffic compared to America.

What do UFOs look like? They come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one similarity; they're unidentified flying objects. It's important to understand that when a person first sees a ufo, they are not the only ones who see it. There are other people who see the same thing. Sometimes there are people with cameras taking videos of them. Sometimes there are even photos taken of them too. The shape and size of ufos differ depending on where they're spotted. Different sizes aren't good or bad; it just depends on what type of aircraft it is, but UFO sightings have shown that some ufos can be huge, and others can be tiny.