UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

nazi ufos

 The Nazi were a political party that wanted to defeat the communist and gain more land. The Nazi party was controlled by Adolf Hitler. They have many beliefs that were different from the normal people. Many people think Hitler started World War II when he tried to take over Europe.

The Nazi Party was one of the most powerful political parties in history and had a lot of power. They had six key rules they were trying to follow and some of them are no fighting outside their territory, fighting against Jews was normal, following orders, secure national borders, don't talk about your party with outsiders, or clandestinity is important.

Most people don't know that Hitler had a secret group called the SS. The Nazi Party was a political group used to get power in Germany. The SS also helped Hitler gain more and more power in Germany. The leader of the SS was Heinrich Himmler.

nazi ufos

The Nazi party started in the 1920s and took power in the early 1930s. The Nazi party was a fascist political party. They had four beliefs and they were anti-communist, had a right wing, had a totalitarian state, and they were nationalists.

* Anti-Communist- They didn't like communists because they said that if you were socialist or communist then you didn't believe in God which was one of their beliefs. They also thought that you could start an uprising against your government if you wanted to change it or get more rights.

* Right Wing- The Nazi's gave the rich more rights than the poor people but some states did not follow this rule so most people saw them as middle ground.

* Totalitarian- They had total control of the government. They took control of all media and there was no freedom of speech or press. They were also anti-Semitic so they didn't like people who were Jewish at all.

* Nationalist- The Nazi party was a nationalist party because they wanted the Germans to be first in every country. They also wanted to expand their empire and have more land.

ufos? ancient aliens? no, nazi ufos! the idea that nazi secret weapons were of extraterrestrial origins is now backed by substantial evidence from a number of sources, according to believers. This has been covered before on this magazine, but new and important testimony from several credible witnesses has recently come to light. first, it is now known that the nazis had a rocket base in antarctica which was destroyed at the end of wwii through detonation of an avenger torpedo loaded with aluminized-uranium shells. according to two top secret u. s. military reports, the remains of this base are still there and “the nazis did not get very far with their antarctica base, since they had to abandon it when war broke out.”

It is thought that Nazis had ufo technology somehow.

Evidence for this? The Nazis had early rocketry research, the German military was known to make antigravity flying saucers at the end of WWI. It is thought that the Germans recovered a crashed UFO in Antarctica after Hitler's defeat. The Nuremberg trials reveal something called Operation Highjump. This was an American and French military operation in 1947 which buried a stash of Nazi paraphernalia, including alleged secret aircraft designs, at the Neumayer Station base on Antarctica. We also know that there were Nazi saucer bases in Antarctica that were always destroyed before they could launch any kind of attack on England or America (they literally could have been wiped out and no-one would even know).

The Wunderwaffe is the term used by historians and researchers to describe the novel weapons developed by Nazi Germany during World War II. The name translates as "Wonder Weapon" or "Miracle Weapon". Many of these weapons were experimental, but not all of them were unusual as they are often perceived today. Most of these weapons were in development long before the Nazis came to power in 1933. Many were the result of research and development programmes going back to the early 1920s, while others were extensions of already-existing technology into novel application - such as guided missiles and jet-powered flight.

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