UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Saturday, August 7, 2021

ancient astronaut theory

 What is the ancient astronaut theory? It is an old idea that the events of ancient history were influenced by advanced extraterrestrial beings. It is also known as the hypothesis that there were visits to Earth from beings who came from other worlds. This article will cover its origins and history, how it was received by scholars in ancient times, and what is being debated today. The ancient astronaut theory has been around since the 1920s and has got a new life lately due to renewed interest in ufology. People who subscribe to this are called ufologists, or just those who study ancient astronauts, and will claim that there are many signs pointing towards the idea that alien visitors may have seeded human civilization with important technologies like writing and metallurgy. This article will briefly address what is meant by the term 'alien' for people not familiar with it before explaining where these aliens might have come from.

ancient astronaut theory

Most people are not aware of this, but ancient civilizations do not actually seem to have been that old. The earliest civilization known is the pre-historic Sumerian civilization of around 4000 BC, and most people think that the indigenous people of the Americas were the first to develop agriculture and such in the New World. There are some historians who believe that this wasn't so as they claim there was already a stone age society living in the Americas before 7000 BC . The Sumerian civilization is known to be older than the American one, so if there was one earlier, then it could only be those from another place.

By examining old texts we can find their meanings have been changed during their passage through time. The word 'alien' in the ancient texts makes reference to extraterrestrial aliens, which then becomes translated as 'stranger', or sometimes as 'other'. So many people who were aware of this recorded what they believed was speaking from God and the Bible until the Church actually adopted many of these as their own.

The book of Ezekiel claims that "ll spirits, both good and evil", are being released from all over the planet, which is a nice way to describe ancient aliens.  Ezekiel also records that in his time, alien entities were indeed visiting the people of Israel. The word alien comes from the Latin word 'alienus' which means 'stranger'. This is not just from Biblical writings but also of other literature. We will be looking at a few examples so you can expand on this if you wish.

A group of aliens known as the Cydonians have been described in stories from ancient Greece and Rome. The ancient Greeks knew of a race of giants who were said to live in the mountains and they were called Cyclopes and Cyclopes were composed of two animals, a lion and an eagle. They are also reported to have had the power to make lightning appear out of nowhere, which is something that we can't do with our technology today.

These beings might have visited Earth at one time but they eventually left it for good, or perhaps even on other planets. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, these beings' home planet was named "Cydonia", meaning "to have a mouth". It is also said to be a lush island with many animals and has a golden throne at the center (hence perhaps meaning 'golden planet'). Despite not being positively identified in ancient records, there are many people who believe that this is the same planet called Mars because it has been used again by advanced races in recorded history.

In the book Vespasianakuides: The History of Gods , they describe how one day Zeus was performing his duties above Mount Olympus and he grew so tired that he collapsed on Earth. This led to the position of Mount Olympus being taken by a new deity called Zeus Chthonios (Zeus of the Underworld), who protected Greece for a while. The authors describe this event like this: "Every time that Zeus was ascending to Olympus he would swear on his father's head, and every time that he descended, he swore on his mother's, and at last he swore on neither.[According to Polycrates's account.] For long ages did Chthon remain in habitation there, but when [this] god became weary of it , and again ascended above the earth, taking with him all these spirits , this god [Chthon] left behind him many evidences of himself in the mountains and woods.

flying saucer drone

 Could flying saucers be drones from alien planets? What if they'll spy on us? It's no secret that world governments and scientists are trying to figure out the secrets of the universe. But what if some of these activities include using flying saucers to spy on us? What would happen if they found Earth-like planets and wanted to do more than just watch them? Could it be possible that these events are already happening, but we're not aware of it because the government or aliens have tried to keep it a secret from us?

We can't say for sure what is going on in space, but there are many things we can learn from. NASA has made some amazing discoveries, but there are many things that they have learned that they have kept hidden from the public. For example, they found frozen water on Mars years ago and found life on the planet Enceladus near Saturn.

flying saucer drone

It's unclear why the government or NASA would keep these findings a secret from us. Could it be that they are afraid that we will panic if we find out? Or could it be that they want to keep us more in control by not disclosing the things that they have found? Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that there are some things they're keeping from us. What is more frightening is what we don't know about alien life. Or maybe the alien races don't want us to know about them. Maybe their governments would worry about an invasion of Earth by these alien races because of our resources or just to make sure we don't attack their own planets if we find out about them first.

We have seen some strange flying objects in the sky that may or may not have been alien races. The term UFO stands for an unidentified flying object, but there are many theories out there about what these things actually are. Some people say that they are just government projects and others say they are aliens. But no matter what you believe, it's clear that there is something going on in space that we're not aware of and the government is keeping it a secret from us.

What if the alien races visiting Earth don't want to be found? Maybe they're here to observe us like we do with other Earth-like planets. If they were to find us, they might not want us to know that they are here. They might not want to be found. Maybe they are trying to slip away unnoticed in plain sight, and maybe that's what their cover story is. Maybe they are here to observe us like we do with other Earth-like planets. If their governments learn about it, then there is a chance that the government of Earth could try to attack them or even steal their technology.

The fact is that we don't know what aliens are doing out in space and we may never find out what's really going on in the universe. We can only do our best to figure out the things we can see on our own planet and hope that we can find an answer about alien life on Earth or on other planets someday. All we can do is keep our own eyes open.

A lot of people believe that aliens exist, but there are just too many things that we can't explain with the technology we have now. So, some people say that it's just a hoax to get more money into Congress and other state governments. These hoaxes happen every few years and get a lot of attention for a while until they die out as new discoveries are made about the universe.

But maybe it will take a while before we find out what's really going on in space. Even though NASA has found frozen water on Mars, there is still no solid proof that life exists on Mars or any other planet in the solar system. After all, we won't know what to look for until we know what to look for.

So, with all of those questions about aliens and secret government activities in outer space, there are also those who believe that life on Earth was created by aliens from another planet. This theory goes back to ancient times and it is known as the "ancient astronaut theory." People believe that these aliens or visitors came from the stars and brought life to Earth, but they have been gone forever since they destroyed their own planet or left our solar system because of a war. Some people believe it was a result of an alien race destroying itself because of nuclear warfare. Others believe that there was a natural disaster that destroyed their planet, like an asteroid hitting the planet and pushing Earth out of its orbit. But could all of these events be true?

If aliens have visited Earth in the past, then they may have tried to live in peace with humans for years without being detected by governments or human civilians. Could it be possible that there is a secret government project where they study alien life forms and capture them and experiment on them to learn about their technology? If this were true, then it would explain why aliens abduct people from Earth now and again.

It's obvious that alien races must know about our planet because we can see them flying by in their spaceships. We can see that they know about the Earth because we have noticed their spaceships in the sky for thousands of years. But we never saw them before the 1950s and NASA has drawn many pictures of what an alien spaceship might look like, but they never realized that it's actually what their own astronauts were using to explore space.

But it's possible that this is just a hoax, too. If aliens don't want to be found, then they would probably try to hide themselves from us so we wouldn't know if they were visiting us or not. Even though some secret government activities go on in space without being discovered by the public, it doesn't mean that aliens are secretly visiting our planet every few years and stealing our technology.

Whether aliens exist or not, it seems like there is much that goes on in space that we're not aware of. Maybe it's because of the technology the government uses to look for alien life forms, or maybe it's an ancient secret that has been banished from history books and never told to the public. But if there are aliens looking for a planet similar to Earth with intelligent life forms, then they may already know about us and where we live.

We may never know what's really going on in outer space until we get there ourselves. It's possible that humans will make a trip to Mars one day, but we still have a lot of work to do before we can safely travel through space for years.

what does a flying saucer look like?

 The flying saucer craze that dominated the 1950s and early 1960s was more of a media phenomenon than a real, scientific subject. It was fueled by reports of odd-shaped contraptions being sighted by citizens in faraway places, including the United States. After all, who did not want to believe that there were visitors from outer space among us? Although the term "flying saucer" acquired an almost literal definition as UFOs were actually said to be round in shape with raised centers and ridged or smoothed outer edges, the public's imagination ran riot over what these mysterious vehicles might be. 

A flying saucer could be from space, a space ship, a spacecraft, or some kind of bizarre new technological wonder. The term had been used to describe a winged disc in the late 1800s. The "saucer" part of the name probably came from the fanciful notion that the thing was spinning through its flight, similar to how a saucer is spun on its edge. A "flying" saucer implied that this new contraption could traverse great distances in little time. The earliest reference to a flying saucer by name occurred in June 1947, when Kenneth Arnold, then an Air Force pilot and private pilot, reported sighting something strange over Mt. Rainer, Washington State. He described what he had seen as "a chain of nine silvery objects flying from north to south at about 9,000 feet.

what does a flying saucer look like?

what does a flying saucer look like? Very good question. Different people descriptions are generally similar. They are described as being circular, or egg-shaped. There is a dome on top, and at times there have been windows visible. The color varies, but most often it's silver or gray in color. Sometimes they're said to be gold colored. They have lights on the bottom and around the outside edge, sometimes they have lights in the middle, and other times not. Their speed varies; it depends on what shape or size they are. They can go fast or slow. There is no visible propulsion system -- the saucers are seen flying at speeds far greater than any airplane.

Flying saucers are sometimes described as having a throbbing hum associated with them -- almost like an electrical generator. This humming can be heard from miles away and becomes louder as the object approaches. This sound always seems to come from the area of the dome. In some cases, this sound has been accompanied by a feeling of pressure against the skin.

What is inside a flying saucer? There are some accounts that say there are aliens inside. However, the more common description is that there are no aliens inside. Some of these objects have been described as having small "windows" which suggest some kind of living quarters. Still others say they can see electronics or tubes through the dome.

Lights have been commonly reported around the edge of the craft, along with several more lights underneath -- which would be more like portholes on a boat rather than landing lights like you would expect on an airplane. In some cases the lights are described as being red, blue, green, or white. These are the lights used to navigate at night. There is also the possibility that these craft might be powered by atomic energy and nuclear batteries.

Some have reported that the craft appear to be metallic in construction, but others believe that they are made out of a non-reflective material. They are believed to be from anywhere between 20 to 40 feet in diameter.

There is no way of knowing how many saucers are in the air at any one given time, but it is believed that most of them are very small, measuring from just a few feet in diameter to perhaps 30 feet or larger. Some believe that these saucers may be unmanned probes. It is not known whether they travel alone, as a squadron of 10 or more, or whether they travel with other spacecraft and/or alien craft.

where do flying saucers come from? One of the more popular theories about why aliens would come to Earth has been focused on our planet as a new colony. The landing of a flying saucer in the desert would certainly bring notice. Another possibility is that our planet is a dumping ground for useful pieces of technology that have outlived their usefulness on some other planet or in space, and these machines are being sent back to Earth for study and eventual return.

There is also a NASA theory, propagated by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), that secret armaments are being used in outer space against perceived threats. Some UFOs entering our atmosphere are believed to be space craft shooting down other UFOs as they approach our atmosphere, or even use such craft as decoys.