UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

How do ufos fly?

 How do ufos fly? How do ufos work? Why are ufos here? The answer is: nobody knows for sure. Some people are convinced that the earth is being visited by an alien intelligence. Others claim it's all a hoax. UFO sightings are persistent and vary in credibility, but no one has any hard evidence.

There is no shortage of opinions on the matter, and plenty of debate to go around. We want to explore this space more deeply. Let's get started!

How do ufos fly and work? Well, if you listen to some of the "experts," they'll tell you that the answer is simple: we just don't know yet. According to others, we are on the verge of an earth-shattering revelation. Many UFO enthusiasts suggest that “disclosure” of information is on its way. They point to statements and actions from some major governments as evidence that some sort of formal disclosure process has been initiated.

How do ufos fly?

Many ufo researchers believe that vehicles somehow manipulate gravity. The legendary disc-shaped craft are often described as hovering or flying without any visible means of propulsion. This suggests that they are capable of generating powerful gravitational fields or maybe even breaking the bonds between dimensions. Some claim that the ufos are tapping into our collective consciousness.

These individuals claim that the ufo phenomenon is basically a telepathic communication. Allegedly, they can induce an altered state of consciousness in us that allows them to "get through." In this state of consciousness, we see messages or even see images of alien beings or other strange craft. Some think that aliens are able to override our own understanding of reality and manipulate our perceptions accordingly. Perhaps they're simply blending in with the natural landscape by altering physical things like clouds and trees. The reality is that no one has any idea how UFOs work.

So, ufos work by manipulating gravity? That's a pretty good theory, but how does it explain some of the truly bizarre accounts. People have reported seeing both “regular” ufos as well as outlandish unexplained phenomena including glowing orbs, pulsating lights, and unidentifiable creatures. These reports often include descriptions of otherworldly events combined with observations of classic ufo maneuvers such as triangular formations and zig-zag patterns of movement.

So, what's going on here? Are we looking at some sort of bizarre new form of alien technology? This theory suggests that the first contact with "them" has already happened, and the actual encounters are just now starting to surface.

The government is aware of this technology, and it's currently prevented from being deployed in an uncontrolled fashion. According to this theory, these interdimensional contacts are part of a military program that was designed to achieve full control over the phenomenon before it can be totally exploited in ways that could be potentially catastrophic. Some ufologists believe this is the real reason behind crop circles and other anomalous physical manifestations that have recently occurred across America.

Why are ufos here? One popular idea is that they're here to mine natural resources, trade with us, or study soil samples. Another idea is that they're just doing a fly-by of this planet on their way to some other destination.

But some say the evidence for extraterrestrial craft isn't so good: there's not much data on who these beings are or how they work (if at all). For example, even though more than 700 sightings have been recorded in the US alone since 1947 and even though nearly 75% of those sightings were reported by military personnel, government agencies refuse to acknowledge their existence.

The most widely known ufo sighting in america took place in 1947, when a group of people in New Mexico observed nine "disc-shaped objects" flying overhead. Reports of this and many other sightings by pilots and military personnel have been documented for years. And yet, the US Air Force and the CIA have repeatedly denied that these objects exist - up to the present time.

The US government has a reputation for refusing to acknowledge any flawed technology on their part, even when evidence is clear. For example, in the late sixties, they refused to acknowledge that they were using ineffective weapons in Vietnam even after pictures showed the human cost of those weapons (affecting both American troops and Vietnamese civilians). They've also been unwilling to admit that there is a serious domestic problem with their most destructive weapon, the atomic bomb.

Some have speculated that the reason they're not admitting UFOs is that they can't believe that we, as a world community, are capable of having some sort of technology that exceeds our ability to reproduce and distribute it throughout this planet - especially at this time in history.

In the sixties, a popular book was released entitled "Chariots of the Gods?" The book posited that extraterrestrials visited earth in ancient times, perhaps influencing our approach to technology and other areas of human endeavor. Archeologists, however, have not discovered any significant evidence documenting those visits - although there is one interesting story out of Peru. There, a stone carving shows what appears to be the landing gear on a "flying saucer." Of course, that could just be another example of our ability as people to invent stories based on random forms.

Finally, very little is known about the effects of technology when it interacts with natural forces. Some speculate that there may be some sort of incompatibility between natural energy fields and the alien technology that has been constructed by these beings. That could explain why some people have reported such negative effects like sleep deprivation and even illness - as well as increased levels of anxiety, depression, and psychosis.

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