UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Saturday, June 19, 2021


 Ufos what are they? We know there are reports of them all over the world and that they have been around for a long time, but nobody really knows what Ufos are. Some say they are alien spacecraft; some say it's some sort of solar or air phenomena, we don't even know. Half the population won't believe in them. People just don't know, and this is exactly the reason that they are so scary. Nobody knows what they are or what they are for.

Why are they here? What are they doing? Are they out to get us? No one knows, and this is what we fear. They have been seen for years, yet no one knows anything about them. They could be friendly or they could be dangerous. We just don't know and that's why we fear them.

This is the reason why Ufos are so interesting; people just don't know what to think or how to feel about them. Many people are frightened of these flying objects but others aren't scared of them at all and some think that all of this is just a waste of time.

We know there have been many reports of Ufos and they are reported all over the world, but people don't know what to think of them. People don't know if they are friendly or dangerous. People just don't know what they are for or what their purpose is. People believe that they have been coming down to our planet for a long time and a lot of books and stories have been written about them.


So, a lot of people think that they are extra-terrestrial and come from another planet. All these years people have argued that the ufo's come from other planets, but no one knows for sure. Maybe all the talk about them makes them more believable and now a lot of people think they really do exist. If people don't believe in ufo's before, now they do after all the stories told about them.

Possibly, the first case of a ufo sighting was when Kenneth Arnold said he saw nine moving craft in formation flying at an incredible rate of speed near Mount Rainier Washington on June 24 1947. Then many more sightings were happening all over the world that same month and year.

Possibly, the first case of a ufo sighting was when Kenneth Arnold said he saw nine moving craft in formation flying at an incredible rate of speed near Mount Rainier Washington on June 24 1947. Then many more sightings were happening all over the world that same month and year. The government came out with their explanation of the phenomenon, simply: "Weather." But because of a lack of tangible evidence to disprove such an explanation, they had to dig pretty deep into their black budget to explain what was going on. 

Then in 1958, Project Blue Book was started by the Air Force. Project Blue Book had a huge budget and spent it over the years until it officially shut down in December 1969 (after reading this as a kid in elementary school.). They were tasked with investigating every single one of those Arnold saucer sightings. They tracked down hundreds of witnesses and documented hundreds upon hundreds of sightings and investigated thousands upon thousands of leads, but they never found any real evidence to support Arnold's sighting or deny his sighting.

Here is a list of possible explanations and theories behind this mysterious phenomenon.

One reason for many sightings is that UFOs could be test flights by the United States military attempting to develop technology that would allow aircraft to perform flight maneuvers outside the atmosphere or reach speeds faster than light without causing damage due to friction with atmospheric gases, which can cause high-energy particles known as cosmic rays. The U.S. Air Force has had a long-standing interest in anti-gravity research for many years, and this technology could fall into that category.

Some UFOs are high-speed military jets that are testing new stealth designs. These do not show up on radar because of the aircraft's shape and the use of special materials to avoid reflection from enemy jamming devices.

Another theory is that aliens exist or have visited Earth in the past, but for some reason, they never made contact with humans until 20th-century sightings were reported.

The existence of aliens must be taken into consideration when considering the possibility of UFOs being a visitation from outside sources. The United States, the Soviet Union, and many other countries have been investigating the possibility of life from beyond Earth's atmosphere for decades, and it is very possible that extraterrestrials have visited Earth before.

Furthermore, there could be some type of advanced artificial intelligence that has visited this planet in the past and remains to be discovered by humans. The theory of "unexplained phenomena" also supports this idea because we can't rule out aliens visiting Earth if our technology is too primitive to detect them in the first place.

Alternatively, UFOs could be the result of close encounters with humans. This is essentially the same thing, but is a little less plausible in that aliens would have to visit us and be able to observe our activities with satellites and other intelligence-gathering devices on Earth's surface.

Many UFO sightings may stem from the actions of very intelligent extraterrestrials who come here to investigate our progress in science, technology, and biology in order to determine if we are suitable for entry into an intergalactic alliance with them. Such visits could also represent an attempt by these alien civilizations to "tame" humans as food sources or slave laborers.

A final theory offers a more rational explanation. Some UFO sightings may have been caused by space satellites that have become rogue, either because their operators lost control of them, or because they simply became out of control. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was seen to break off from its station in orbit and travel into space where it headed toward Earth's atmosphere at about 17,000 miles per hour. The problem with this explanation is that scientists do not currently know how any spacecraft could achieve such speeds without causing catastrophic damage to itself and the Earth.

It's possible that aliens may be living on the moon or Mars, far away from us, and have come here to observe Earth's activities. Alternatively, it could be that UFOs are just misidentified object with no "aliens" to blame for their appearance or disappearance.

Hesslow believes that more than one explanation is likely for the various UFO sightings that have been sighted throughout history and the present day. Therefore, some of these sightings could be a result of hoaxes or misinterpretations of actual events, but as technology advances so will our ability to detect such phenomena.

Conspiracy theories may seem convincing when trying to explain the unexplainable. But when hundreds of government officials, astronauts, and military personnel have come forward with their own personal accounts of UFO sightings, is it really so far-fetched to think we're not alone in the universe?

Interest in the subject of UFOs continues to expand as scientists explore more and more aspects of space. But there's more interest than ever before in exploring the mysterious side of UFO lore. In addition to this recent scientific interest is the popular focus on these phenomena with such movies as Men in Black, Independence Day, and Close Encounters of a Third Kind. People across the world want answers about UFOs; they want proof that there is intelligent life somewhere else in this vast universe.

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