UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Saturday, June 19, 2021

ufos and aliens

 Ufos/Uaps have around for countless years. They have appeared in many cultures and religions across the Earth. Ufos and aliens are a bona fide hit these days with them all over mainstream media. This blog post will go over the basics of these things, such as why they came to earth and what their purposes were. I'll also be sharing a few places you can find more information. So, sit back, grab some iced tea or coffee and enjoy the show!

Why did they come here? What are they doing now? Ufos/Uaps in modern times.

How to learn more about them. Do you believe in aliens? Let's talk about it and please share this blog with your friends and family. Many people seem to accept the fact that ufos are real but ask them about alien beings, they usually have nothing to say about it. There may be a good reason for that, the answer may be right in front of you. As I said before, I'll go over what they are doing now and where they come from. It's all very interesting stuff!

ufos and aliens

In ancient times and even today, ufos/uaps have been circulating around the earth's atmosphere. For thousands, maybe millions of years they've been doing their thing, mostly unknown to humans and they still are today. Why do we get to know about ufos more now? In recent years people have started having encounters with these beings. This has brought them out into the open so to speak where many people can witness it happening.

But still is much easier to talk about uaps than about the possibility of aliens. Why is that? Are people afraid to think of little green men and be laughed at? Or is it truly terrifying to think that aliens exist in the first place and we probably can't do anything about it.

Ufos in modern times. Though they have been coming to the earth for so long, they have only recently come into contact with humans. They have been doing their thing, studying every aspect of our planet and its inhabitants, living and nonliving things. They were interested in the planet itself as well as what was going on here. 

The most common type of ufos is usually triangular in shape, solid, and does not make any noise. When you do see them, they're just hanging out doing their thing. They can be seen in the day or at night time. Sometimes you will see the entire triangle of three lights, sometimes just one light on either side of the craft. You may also see a disk-shaped object that is flashing lights around its perimeter and has a glowing core sort of like the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. One thing that I have noticed is that these objects don't fly like our planes do in the sky but hover and move across space quite slowly.

The truth is that ufos and aliens are real possibilities. If you know how to look, you can see them yourself. One thing I notice is someone will start talking about it, then realize they have nothing solid to say and just stop. This could be because of cultural conditioning or fear of ridicule. Either way, it really seems to stop people from learning more about these beings. I encourage people who read my blog post to keep asking questions and learn more about these things.

I have found that most people who are interested in aliens, ufos and ufology are very into conspiracy theories and the philosophy of the New Age movement. It seems that these two topics are somehow related. Though there is nothing wrong with New Age theories, I believe that some people get so into it they stop investigating ufo's for what they really are.

Believe it or not, but ufology is a legitimate scientific study! There are all kinds of information about it on the Internet and videos on Youtube by scientists and others who want to find out more about ufos/aliens. Many pictures of flying saucers and other types of unidentified flying objects can be seen on the Internet.

In conclusion, if are going to take ufos in a serious manner, then we have to also understand that aliens might be a factor whether we like it or not. It could very well be that aliens, as well as greater-dimensional beings and entities, have been meddling in our affairs for some time. The more we study the possibility of life outside our own solar system, the more we will understand that we do not know nearly everything about the Universe.

Unless of course, they are all just jokes played on us by dark forces to keep us from taking the matter seriously. It could also be that they are actually here to help us and open our minds. After all, a few decades ago it was a big joke for someone to even suggest that aliens might exist.

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