UFOs has been one of my favorite topics of interest for many years to discuss and analyze. You have your believers, skeptics and the people in between like me. I have not seen definitive proof yet but I have an open mind. I believe it’s safe to say most people are still waiting for undeniable proof of aliens. However UFO sightings and videos still fascinate me and I continue to search for my definitive proof. The real question is not if life exists in space because is almost certain that it does but has any actual intelligent extraterrestrial life visited the planet earth. In short; are aliens real?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

ufos and nukes

 What is the strange connection between ufos and nukes? Why are ufos so interested in nukes you might be wondering? Are nukes what keeps ufos away? The short answer to these questions is that there is a definite connection between ufos and nukes and this article will explain why. The long answer, however, is much more in-depth than any short answer can be. So read on if you want to know everything about the connection between ufos and nukes!

The strange connection between UFOs and Nukes:

There's a strange but clear correlation between the UFO sightings in general and nuclear explosions, nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, being recorded by official agencies around the world, regardless of its occurrence or lack thereof. It is not a direct link, though, nor does it mean that the two are related; rather it suggests that something strange is going on.

ufos and nukes

After 1950s, there was a marked increase in the number of nuclear tests conducted by various countries. These are all well-documented facts. It is also a fact that during this era of increased nuclear tests, more UFO sightings were reported worldwide than ever before and these sightings occurred in the areas which were either scheduled to conduct nuclear tests or had carried one out recently.

What is the strange connection between nuclear weapons and UFOs? It's pretty clear that somewhere a UFO is concealing itself just outside a nuclear weapon storage facility, or just outside a nuclear weapons plant. This has been proven by many documented instances of all types of nuclear weapons in all countries being targeted by ufos at various times during their existence, not only in the US and Russia but also in other countries.

A list of documented cases includes but is not limited to: the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant (NY), the Boring, Oregon, nuclear facility (Oregon), Harwell Atomic Energy Center (United Kingdom), and the Tomsk 4 Nuclear Power Plant (Russia). The circumstances surrounding each incident are unique but the thread that ties them all together is that UFOs were spotted shortly before or just after a nuclear explosion was detected. 

It is also worth mentioning that every time one of these countries conducted a nuclear test there would be reports from eyewitnesses who spotted UFOs flying over their respective locations prior to or shortly after an explosion took place. The UFO phenomena also took place in the Soviet Union shortly before the Chernobyl accident. It is also worth noting that during a time in which tensions between the United States and Russia were rising, there were many more UFO sightings than normal in both countries. Many people thought that these UFOs could have been performing reconnaissance missions on both countries' nuclear weapons facilities as well as other facilities.

The strangeness doesn't end there, though. Around the same time as all these incidents occurred, UFOs were spotted hovering over power plants and electrical stations around the United States which resulted in a temporary energy blackout in some areas of the country. However, these are just rumors, no concrete proof as of yet. It's possible that these events and UFO sightings could be linked to something larger and more mysterious. What's been proven is that these nuclear power plants and facilities were the targets of UFOs at a variety of times. This begs the question: did UFOs intentionally target these locations to cause energy blackouts? Despite what many laypeople may think, this has never happened before in almost four decades of UFO research. It would be far more logical for them to have targeted electrical substations or transmission towers rather than nuclear power plants.

Prior to this time, no one would have predicted that any UFOs would deliberately target these institutions. No one would have suspected them of being able to interfere with our modern energy production facilities in the first place. However, these events occurred at very specific times and in specific areas of the United States. What's more, the loss of electricity to certain regions of the country was only temporary. Why would UFOs do something like that?

Uaps even seem interested in our nuclear submarines and the such. The question is why? Why are they interested in our missiles? Did they do anything to any of them? Eventually, these objects would depart and return to wherever it was that they came from. Sometimes, the UFOs would leave without doing anything at all; other times they would simply hover in one place or move into another part of the area for a while before departing. We can only wonder if these events were somehow related to rumors regarding military personnel who reported seeing UFOs shortly after the power outages began.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

ufos and aliens

 Ufos/Uaps have around for countless years. They have appeared in many cultures and religions across the Earth. Ufos and aliens are a bona fide hit these days with them all over mainstream media. This blog post will go over the basics of these things, such as why they came to earth and what their purposes were. I'll also be sharing a few places you can find more information. So, sit back, grab some iced tea or coffee and enjoy the show!

Why did they come here? What are they doing now? Ufos/Uaps in modern times.

How to learn more about them. Do you believe in aliens? Let's talk about it and please share this blog with your friends and family. Many people seem to accept the fact that ufos are real but ask them about alien beings, they usually have nothing to say about it. There may be a good reason for that, the answer may be right in front of you. As I said before, I'll go over what they are doing now and where they come from. It's all very interesting stuff!

ufos and aliens

In ancient times and even today, ufos/uaps have been circulating around the earth's atmosphere. For thousands, maybe millions of years they've been doing their thing, mostly unknown to humans and they still are today. Why do we get to know about ufos more now? In recent years people have started having encounters with these beings. This has brought them out into the open so to speak where many people can witness it happening.

But still is much easier to talk about uaps than about the possibility of aliens. Why is that? Are people afraid to think of little green men and be laughed at? Or is it truly terrifying to think that aliens exist in the first place and we probably can't do anything about it.

Ufos in modern times. Though they have been coming to the earth for so long, they have only recently come into contact with humans. They have been doing their thing, studying every aspect of our planet and its inhabitants, living and nonliving things. They were interested in the planet itself as well as what was going on here. 

The most common type of ufos is usually triangular in shape, solid, and does not make any noise. When you do see them, they're just hanging out doing their thing. They can be seen in the day or at night time. Sometimes you will see the entire triangle of three lights, sometimes just one light on either side of the craft. You may also see a disk-shaped object that is flashing lights around its perimeter and has a glowing core sort of like the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. One thing that I have noticed is that these objects don't fly like our planes do in the sky but hover and move across space quite slowly.

The truth is that ufos and aliens are real possibilities. If you know how to look, you can see them yourself. One thing I notice is someone will start talking about it, then realize they have nothing solid to say and just stop. This could be because of cultural conditioning or fear of ridicule. Either way, it really seems to stop people from learning more about these beings. I encourage people who read my blog post to keep asking questions and learn more about these things.

I have found that most people who are interested in aliens, ufos and ufology are very into conspiracy theories and the philosophy of the New Age movement. It seems that these two topics are somehow related. Though there is nothing wrong with New Age theories, I believe that some people get so into it they stop investigating ufo's for what they really are.

Believe it or not, but ufology is a legitimate scientific study! There are all kinds of information about it on the Internet and videos on Youtube by scientists and others who want to find out more about ufos/aliens. Many pictures of flying saucers and other types of unidentified flying objects can be seen on the Internet.

In conclusion, if are going to take ufos in a serious manner, then we have to also understand that aliens might be a factor whether we like it or not. It could very well be that aliens, as well as greater-dimensional beings and entities, have been meddling in our affairs for some time. The more we study the possibility of life outside our own solar system, the more we will understand that we do not know nearly everything about the Universe.

Unless of course, they are all just jokes played on us by dark forces to keep us from taking the matter seriously. It could also be that they are actually here to help us and open our minds. After all, a few decades ago it was a big joke for someone to even suggest that aliens might exist.

ufos attacking

 Ufos/Uaps have around for countless years. They have appeared in many cultures and religions across the Earth. I’m still not sure what they are but I don't think they are hostile. I’ve been researching the topic for a while now and they seem to do nothing but fly around. I hope they don't decide to change their minds at any time.

There have been many theories of what they are. The main idea is that they are alien spacecraft but I personally don’t believe that. Another theory is that they are actually other dimensions, parallel universes, or another dimension or something similar to that.

I am a member of numerous UFO and alien/UFO-related groups on Facebook. The most interesting thing I’ve seen in my research is the fact that Ufos/Uaps have really been around for thousands of years and a lot of different cultures have encountered these “things”.

ufos attacking

The first reported encounter took place around the fifth century AD by a saint from Greek called Saint Elian. He saw two “bright lanterns” that flew across the sky and followed him. These “lanterns” were actually spheres or globes of fire.

In later centuries, many religious worshipers and people said they saw these weird floating orbs of light or “lamps in the air”. The name Ufos was used when investigators began using the term to describe flying saucers or UFOs. I don't think they are looking to hurt us, I think they are just doing research on us because we have been ignoring them for so long...

Mankind has seen many people that claim they have had encounters with Ufos/Uaps. They are very similar to aliens in the Steven Spielberg film, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. If you see a UFO and it touches down on the Earth, then you are sure to have an experience with a Ufos/Uap! They have been here for a long time and I think we should try to understand them.

By the way, it's not just humans that are being encountered by Ufos/Uaps. Many animals on Earth have been seen to look up into the air when they hear a Ufos/Uap’s strange noise. It seems as if they recognize these “things”. Maybe aliens aren't in our world but in some other dimension or parallel reality...

I have interviewed many people who say they met these strange beings. Many claim they arrived on Earth in some kind of spacecraft. At first, I was skeptical about the claims of people who said they had been abducted by strange beings from outer space but when I spoke to them and asked them about their experiences, I found out that many other people had also had similar encounters.

What we know about them so far is that they:

1) Have been around forever, appearing in different cultures and religions all over the world. 

2) Appear to be of an entirely unknown origin with no real evidence of their actions, intentions, or even their existence.  

3) They seem to disappear automatically after a certain period of time or when spotted by an individual who has never seen one before. 

4) Are able to read our thoughts, telepathically communicate with us, and teleport us around without any physical contact. 

5) They seem to have special abilities and powers that make them able to appear and disappear at will. 

6) Are capable of modifying our memories and implanting false recollections in our minds to avoid detection or encourage secrecy. 

7) Are not necessarily a “physical” phenomenon, but can still leave physical evidence like footprints, burns, etc.

8) Have been spotted in many countries around the world over the years. 

9) Can be seen for brief periods of time and are not always visible with physical eyesight.

Ufos attacking is a very rare event as far as we can tell, but it does happen. Most of the time, they just want to be left alone, it would seem. This is probably because they observe human actions and believe that we are just barbarians. As far as I know, nobody has been killed by an Uap intentionally. However, people have died by mistake sadly. This is because the Uap has attacked out of fear. The Uap will, however, attack a perceived threat to themselves and their kin. In these cases, we were either shooting at them or getting too close to their nesting grounds. 

There are many reported cases of various types of UFOs as well as alien sightings and UFO captures over the years. Some have been disclosed publicly, while others have not been. Some come from government officials and military whistleblowers who have released things under anonymity or pseudonymity. 

ufos research

 Ufos are also known as Uaps have been seen everywhere on earth. However, did you know that ufo research has been going on for countless years? A lot of people are intrigued by aliens and many want to find them in outer space. Ufo research is a field of scientific endeavor that studies UFOs, also known as Unidentified Flying Objects, or UAPs, in a scientific manner.

UFOs have been a fascination to humans for centuries and how they work has been researched by scientists ever since they were first spotted on radar scopes in the 1940s. This article will present you with some interesting facts about UFO research that will definitely change your thoughts about what these unknown flying objects are. If you are curious about what is really going on with ufos, then read on to find more information.

Ever been curious about what's really going on with all those UFOs around the world? We're not talking about the half-dozen or so that make international headlines every year. We're talking about the thousands of unidentified flying objects that have been seen in just the last 100 years alone.

ufos research

What is a UFO?

UFOs or UAPs are circular in shape, have a whitish or silver glow, and stop and hover above the Earth. They're usually seen at night and are usually linked with strange events like electric power outages or even weather-related activity. The fact that they can't be identified makes it even more difficult to know what they are because scientists can only guess at their origins!

If these objects really are spaceships from other planets or dimensions, then we should be trying to communicate with them and find out more about their origins. However, for decades our government has been keeping knowledge of UFOs a secret from us. But why? Why would they hide something so important from us?

Although there isn't any concrete proof that the US government is hiding knowledge of UFOs from us, there are hundreds if not thousands of eyewitness accounts recording sightings on camera and by eyewitnesses. As well as these, there is also a lot of evidence that the existence of these UFOs is being covered up in ways to make sure we don't get any concrete information about them.

Well, it turns out at least various military branches have been doing ufos/uap research. That's right. The navy, the air force, the army, as well as a few other military branches have all been doing their own research into “alien objects” or UAPs. The most interesting thing is that they have supposedly been studying them since at least the 1940s.

The UFO Phenomenon: Facts and Folklore by NASA

This article will focus on what is well-known about ufos/uap research currently taking place today and explore some of the theories surrounding them. We'll also provide you with links to further resources if you are interested in studying them further yourself.

UFOs/UAPs – An Overview of Their History

UFOs/UAPs are supposedly the results of highly advanced human technology, alien technology, or even an unknown force that is influencing space and time. It wasn't until the 1950's that some military branches of the United States government began to take interest in the phenomenon.

The 1950s saw a surge in sightings. This was also around the time that Roswell crashed on a ranch in 1947 and Ufology (the study of UFOs) started to really take off. In 1959, President Eisenhower decided to officially form the Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects (CUFOS) with representatives from all branches of military research. There were several other UFO projects, but the best-known ones were Blue Book and Operation Blue Fly.

Blue Book was the U.S. Air Force's scientific research project into UAPs, and it lasted from 1952 to 1969. It had several goals: to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, to determine what they were made of, where they came from if they could be of benefit to humanity, etc. Operation Blue Fly was a very secretive project that investigated whether crash-landed objects could be salvaged for technology that would advance the military's UAP research. It was the Navy's equivalent to Blue Book.

The data collected by Blue Book and Operation Blue Fly was extremely valuable, and would later become the basis for the U.S. government's UFO policy.

UFOs are Real? It's no secret that some people believe that, yes, UFOs are real. We've done a lot of research into this topic at MUFON, and found several different groups around the world who say they have been in contact with beings from other planets or dimensions. Many of them have videos and photos of these encounters, but few ever release them. Here are a few examples: Above: This UFO has been hovering over a house in Mt. Rainier National Park since 2009.

MUFON is a group that investigates UFO sightings. They have an international database for UFO reports, and their website is chock-full of interesting stories about UFOs. In fact, you can submit your own UFO report on their website if you've seen something strange in the sky! The PARANET UFO database is another one that has been around for a long time and will be able to provide you with information about what's really going on with UFOs.

UFO Organizations Around the World: There are literally hundreds if not thousands of people who claim to have had encounters with UFOs in their everyday lives or even learn more about their origins from extraterrestrials.

Here are a few of the more popular UFO organizations around the world: MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) The French National Space Agency (CNES) The British Interplanetary Society (BIS) The Mutual UFO Network is known as one of the best places to go if you've had an encounter with a UFO. They've been investigating hundreds if not thousands of claimed sightings over the past half century. Whether or not you believe in UFOs, it's hard not to respect this group.

ufos space station

 Ufos are also known as Uaps have been seen everywhere on earth. However, did you know that astronauts have seen them and even the space station! Let further explore this rare phenomenon when is becoming not so rare anymore these days!  Regardless of what you believe, UFOs come back to the spotlight again. This time, it is NASA that brought up these stories. "The truth is out there," said Jim Bridenstine, NASA administrator. "There's plenty of evidence that we're not alone when it comes to space exploration." For example, astronauts saw UFOs floating around the ISS. There are also those famous videos recorded by Russian cosmonauts that capture unidentified objects in outer space. 

And this is why NASA and the military are also preparing for Alien interaction may be in the future. "We have been making preparations for decades," commented David Livingston, a retired Air Force colonel. "We have been preparing for some time to handle any scenario that might be encountered. We are not alone in the universe. [We are] not alone in the solar system. But we may find that there's more than one kind of alien out there."

ufos space station

Many of our own astronauts have reported sightings of ufos over the years. They have even captured some of them on camera. For example, a NASA official and an astronaut from the International Space Station (ISS) recorded a single ufo in the sky while they were orbiting Earth's atmosphere. Although this sighting is not confirmed by top scientists, many believe that it is real. One of the astronauts, Mike Massimino, recalled the incident. He said: "I was looking out the window watching some clouds when we saw this very bright object that looked like a big star."

Another astronaut, Fyodor Yurchikhin, said: "One morning I was standing at the window and I observed a star-like white light moving at high speed. It was going from south to north-east."

This sighting is not one of a few. Many others have also reported similar encounters. There are literally tons of footage of uaps buzzing around the space station. However, NASA has refused to confirm the existence of such objects. Since this is not the only ufo sighting on Earth, it seems that whatever is out there is now taking a bigger interest on us.

"It's very important to detect these objects, whether we can identify them or not," explained Chris O'Dea, a retired NASA space shuttle ascent engineer. "If we find out that there's something out there and it's conducting surveillance on us that would be a serious concern."

The US military is also preparing for contact with aliens. The Pentagon has indeed signed a contract to examine the effects of a possible Alien attack. Even though there's no proof that aliens exist, they always prepare for at least the possibility of an attack by them. This is done through various programs such as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Although government officials are aware that Aliens might be out there somewhere, it seems that they have yet to encounter any hostile ones on Earth.

I believe the biggest fear of an accidental confrontation with uap which causes death and destruction. To avoid such an unfortunate event, I believe that the US Government should act and act now! We are grown-ups, we can handle the truth. The US government should disclose the truth to the general public. We are ready for it. Right now, we are in a difficult situation where we believe that the government is hiding some important truth from us. This has created distrust in the government and its institutions. 

ufos technology

 What are UFOs? How did they come into being and what advancements have we made with their technology? Are Ufos still a mystery or is it possible to understand the world's most elusive flying object? If so, where can I find out more information to help me understand these new technologies? In this blog post, let's explore the different types of ufo technology that have possibly resulted in alien-like sightings.

To help comprehend this article, readers should have a basic understanding of what UFOs are and how they came into being. To begin with, UFO is short for unidentified flying object. This is an object that has been seen by multiple people simultaneously or a single witness. This kind of sightings has been reported all over the world. It is therefore fair to say that they are not limited to a certain region. These objects can be observed from the ground, air or even space. It is important to note that all these sightings have one thing in common which is that no one can explain them, at least not with the current technology.

ufos technology

Although ufo sightings have been documented from all over the world. It's standard procedure for scientists around the world to dismiss UFO sightings, especially those categorized as unknown flying objects. In fact, these sightings are usually swept under the rug, and any concrete evidence that may prove otherwise is kept from public knowledge. This way, disputing academics can ignore the existence of these mysterious objects and go about their day with their head held high, continuing to believe that humans are alone in this galaxy or universe.

The behavior of UFOs can range from flying, stationary, and/or hovering. These objects are seen by many people each year. These objects seem to be here for a purpose and not to just fly around in the sky, just for fun. Although it was assumed that all UFO sightings must be hoaxes or falsified photos due to lack of evidence, many mysterious ufo sightings have been revealed to be real with new technological advancements.

ufos technology:

Ufos must be using technology hundreds of years ahead of us. If you look at it from the point of view that technically we are still in the Middle Ages, compared to Uaps. We can't even begin to understand their technology. It would take us thousands of years to reach their level. We are only just starting to realize how advanced this technology is. I think it's prudent to take a look at the different types of ufo technology that have possibly resulted in alien-like sightings.

1. Antigravity Propulsion

UFOs use an engine that we don't understand. Whether it's something we haven't discovered yet or something they've developed and invented themselves, but the fact is they are able to defy the laws of physics and travel in a manner that no one can explain. Then, they can even take off and land at the same time, no runway needed. What is this sorcery? We've always thought that our rockets have taken us as far as we care to go. Yet what we've never realized, aliens have been behind the rocket program for many years.

These are the machines that propel the spaceships in the air back and forth to different planets and other places in space. This is technically not an antigravity propulsion system but rather a propulsion system that uses anti-gravity for thrust instead of burning fuel or being propelled by chemical propellants. The technology is not yet perfected, but it is clearly much more advanced than the chemical propulsion of fuel. This can only mean one thing; these aliens are not just a bunch of bonkers aliens like in the movies. They are very advanced and must be taken seriously as we have more to learn about this potentially alien technology.

If you are still in doubt as to whether or not they are from another planet, I suggest you look at it this way: There are about 200 billion stars within our galaxy, and there must be about 200 billion galaxies within what we know of the universe; that is a staggering amount of real estate, yet the Ufos seem to travel freely without problems. It would seem that they have explored all of the galaxies and can zip around at will.

Their technology must be able to manipulate gravity and space itself. This is clearly the only way they can travel so effortlessly. They must have discovered how to use gravity as a power source. It's a scientific fact that every atom is actually a tiny solar system with electrons spinning around a nucleus at an incredible rate, and this gives every atom its unique identity. If you could tap into this energy, you would be able to generate enough power to light up the whole universe.

However, the truth is that we really do not know just how far they have gone with their technology, and there really is no way of testing it. The only thing you can do is speculate as to how far they have advanced their technology. I feel that if we could discover a piece of technology from one of these crafts, we would be able to see for ourselves how far their technology has progressed.

There is also a lot of speculation as to why these crafts are here in the first place. There must be a reason why they have suddenly started to buzz around our planet. Some people believe that they are just carrying out surveillance, and they will eventually go back where they came from and leave us alone forever. Whatever their reason for being here, it seems that it will not be long before we find out what their plans are for us, and you can take my word for this because I have had contact with them myself.

Finally, there are people who believe we humans have been able to recover crashed ufos. And possibly even been using some of their technology for our own. It's known that the UFO's have been using anti-gravity technology for hundreds of years now. We can also speculate that the technology is being used by our government in secret areas all around the world as well as on military bases. This would explain why the government keeps denying that they have these programs. It's to protect top-secret military and government technology from being leaked to the public.

ufos facts

 These days ufo information is in great demand, more so than ever in our history. It seems like these times the media can't get enough and just want all the facts possible. What was once dismissed by mainstream science, is now touted as the future of humanity. So, what exactly are these ufos? Where do they come from? What is really out there in this vast universe? The following article will discuss several questions and give answers to some of the mysteries behind these phenomena.

What exactly are ufos - UFOs or "unidentified flying objects" can be defined as any natural or physical phenomenon that cannot be identified and confirmed by earth-based observers and which appear to operate or move faster than any aircraft known at that time. Ufos have been a topic of discussion for literally hundreds of years. Most of the research work on ufos has been done by the military or well-funded scientific institutions.

ufos facts

UFOs are also known as unidentified flying objects, unidentified flying discs, and unidentified flying spheres. There are many theories about what UFOs actually are. Military and government organizations have been conducting secret investigations into the phenomenon for over four decades now. The CIA, FBI, NSA and NASA have all released documents which indicate that these organizations do believe that UFOs are real and not just figments of our imaginations. This is thanks to the intensive investigations they have undertaken to try and prove the existence of this strange craft. Many other governments around the world also believe in this phenomenon as well; some more so than others. We are going to go through some of the most notable ufo facts in the following article.

Ufo's (Unidentified Flying Objects) are out there, we know this for a fact. They've been spotted by pilots and even passengers on planes and flying across our skies for many years now. Whether they originate from other planets or not, we really can't say for sure but it is definitely interesting that they exist.

The key topic of all ufo information is what these things are made up of. If you think about it, there has never been any conclusive evidence in history that proves one way or another if they are alien movement and/or vehicles or just plain old-fashioned natural phenomena (meteors).

One ufo fact that is a key one is that we are in the 21st century and have no idea what these things are made up of. Many people believe they are from a different planet altogether. This may very well be possible because when you stop to think about it, the universe is so vast and big that if there is life out there, why couldn't they be visiting us? When you think about it, we're not much of a problem for them as we have no way to carry on any sort of interstellar war with them.

ufos facts:

1) Ufos stands for unified flying objects.

2) Ufos have been sighted for countless years. The modern era of ufos starts in the 1930s when they were called foo fighters.

3) Scientists are still looking for actual physical evidence of ufos.

4) Ufologists put a lot of faith into the idea that the earth is surrounded by aliens and are trying to build a spaceship or something similar to mass-produce their life forms and let them take over our planet (also known as ETs). ufologists claim that these UFOs are only flying saucers people can't see because they're hovering over top of us or driving around in a jet pack, but this is not true. Aliens are very busy and can't just spend time flying around and around us, so they order their little flying saucers to maneuver around the planet.

5) The government claims there is no evidence of ufos. This is not true. There is plenty of evidence for ufos found all over the world, but most of it is fake or fakes and all the agencies are working together to hide or deny it. All governments lie about these things to make themselves look better than we do.

6) Most people believe in aliens, but don't have any proof. I agree with this statement because I know a lot of people who believe aliens exist even though they have no proof (do you?).

7) The government might be in on the secret of ufos since they are promoting it, but you have to be a part of the top 1% to work in the military or some agency that is related to ufos, so that means there are only a few people who know about it. Also, not every person who works at an agency knows everything.

8) A lot of people say they think they saw and/or heard something unusual but you have no proof. Being skeptical comes from a place of knowledge of the situation so use knowledge gained from these facts before accepting them as true.

9) People who don't believe in aliens tend to believe in ghosts instead.

10) People who are interested in these things and know a lot about them are called ufologists, ufo enthusiasts.

11) The truth is out there. (A popular tv show title based on this idea.) 

12) There is no evidence of aliens existing on earth according to the scientists.

13) Some people get so interested in this that they become obsessed with it, going everywhere to find videos or stories or even meeting other ufo enthusiasts. They want to build their reputation as being the best ufo enthusiast.

The topic of ufo's is one that has been analyzed by many people throughout the world. Most people have a strong opinion on this topic regardless of what it is. The basic question concerning ufo's is if they are real or if they are hoaxes. If it was just a simple matter of analyzing the facts and making an educated decision based on them, then we would be able to settle this issue once and for all. However, this is not the case. Many people are of the opinion that ufo's do exist and there are a lot of logical arguments to back up their opinions. 

That's all you need to know about ufo's, I hope you learned something and that it was useful to you. In order to make sure this helps you, share this article with people you know. Thank you for your time, I hope it was useful for you. - ufo facts

ufos phoenix

 Ufos phoenix lights. This is not a series of events, nor is it weather-related. The city of Phoenix lights up nightly with its own unique form of UFO activity—fluorescent flashing light picks up in the western sky, and then 10 seconds later comes a huge explosion on the horizon. These include UFOs, flying saucers, or space ships as they are commonly known. Some people believe that this is aliens coming down to Earth or something similar; some think they are just a lighting effect caused by gas fires from distant construction projects; others think there’s an occasional meteor strike that produces this phenomenon and sometimes causes damage to property and livestock.

The Phoenix Lights first appeared on May 19, 1997. For three nights that week, witnesses saw bright lights in the western sky over Phoenix and surrounding areas at around 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m., and 10:30 p.m., just as the sun had fallen below the horizon. The lights were described as diamond-shaped and silent. They moved through the sky at a leisurely pace, but not slowly enough to make them identifiable as civilian aircraft. The movements were too slow to be meteors or space debris reentering the atmosphere, and they were seen by too many people to be any kind of illusion or natural phenomenon.

ufos phoenix

Some people claimed to have observed the lights as far back as May 24, 1997. The night of May 19th was extremely hot and dry, with almost no humidity at all. People swore that they'd seen the lights and heard a strange noise on May 24th and 25th. Residents in nearby homes reported seeing what seemed like magnesium flares on the horizon. They said that the flares were very bright and floated toward them about 1,000 feet above ground level. They did not come in any particular formation or pattern, but many witnesses reported seeing three beams of light moving from one end of the horizon to another.

In the days following the Phoenix Lights, residents from many nearby communities saw similar lights in their area. These included Fountain Hills, Carefree, Maricopa, and Paradise Valley. Because the lights were so close to one another, witnesses began to suspect that they were not flares from construction or fires. They said that the lights appeared to be brighter than normal city lighting by night and made a constant "whoosh" noise as they passed overhead.

In the early morning hours of May 21st, a local television news station filmed one of these lights moving across the sky at a high rate of speed about 30 miles southeast of Phoenix. The same night, two police officers in nearby Glendale saw the same lights. These were the only two incidents that could be considered "official" observations of the lights.

In the days following the sightings, residents from many communities reported seeing the lights, but they did not appear to be connected together with any more than what was happening by chance in all of those areas at almost exactly the same time. There was no mention of this being reported in other cities for five days after that and local news media began to lose interest in covering it after a month. However, there were many other reports made by people who had seen them farther away from Phoenix who contacted law enforcement officials.

The official response from the military, it was simply flares. However, the Phoenix lights were so bright that at first, they rejected the flares explanation. They began to research the flares theory and discovered that these flares had been seen all over the world over recent days. National Guard members were ordered to search for balloons or aircraft that could have been explaining the lights but found nothing.

Many people in Phoenix are convinced that there was more to this than just a random explanation of bright flares from construction or fires and would like their government to conduct an investigation into this event once and for all. Others simply want it dropped as an unexplained occurrence when there are so many other things they would like addressed more directly by their government.

ufos landed

 Have ufos landed? Well, if you believe in ufos and you should. Then chances are they have landed on planet earth at some point or another. Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory and the most popular one out there right now is... Aliens. I know many of you will laugh this off as being an imaginary concept, but there are some very stubbornly convincing people who believe it. I am one of them. I truly believe that aliens have indeed landed on earth, and I will prove it to you in the following paragraphs.

The most convincing evidence for my belief is the existence of 'crafts' which are seen on numerous radar images released by military and government agencies. People are always discussing these craft or 'aliens', but there isn't much official info available about them. My theory is that these were test devices used by scientists to see how they would affect our atmosphere, gravity, and general Earth conditions. 

ufos landed

The USA government has finally admitted something is going on. So, they obviously know something that a majority of the population is oblivious to. Why else would they hold a press conference regarding this? They have confirmed that UFOs are real and there is no denying it now. Here are some quotes for you to reflect upon.

"We have been working under the assumption that these UFOs were of domestic origin – balloons, etc. This view was supported by a series of studies that were made by the Battelle Memorial Institute for the Air Force. However, as indicated in this presentation, this view is no longer tenable." - Official UFO Government Informant (Kenneth Arnold) ". there are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy. . . we need to be worried about them because they're flying under the radar...

I have personally been briefed by General Samford, telling me the following: 'During World War II, and for a very considerable period afterwards, there were constant sightings of objects in our skies. Now, of course, they're all accounted for. In other words, these objects are real. You can say that again.'" - General James E. Abrahamson (Ret.)

"The Air Force studies concluded that flying saucers are real and not technology designed and built by any nation on earth." - Former Air Force Secretary Robert MacNamara

Let's start off by taking a look at some of the most famous cases.

The first case to talk about is the Roswell incident. A lot of people know about this but many don't realize how big it is. It all started on July 8, 1947. Municipal workers were said to have found strange debris near a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. The press was informed and reported back that it was just a weather balloon, which is what the military went with as well for a while until they had to change their story because the wreckage turned out to be nothing like anything that we had at that time. So now people have this falsehood stuck in their heads and they think that there isn't any truth to the incident.

The alien autopsy is one of the most talked-about videos on YouTube. It was made by a film production company called Ray Santilli who claimed to have footage of the autopsy done on an alien that was found in Roswell. This video has been viewed over 100 million times since it first went online in 1995. The video shows the dead alien and the procedure done on him during the autopsy. You see him open up the body and remove various organs, even his brain. The most interesting part is at the end when he starts dissecting his head with a scalpel, only to discover that it is made up entirely of a strange gelatinous material.

The next famous case is The Betty and Barney Hill Case. This is a famous case that took place in 1961. The two civilians were driving on a stretch of highway in New Hampshire when they noticed an object flying over their car, a green pulsing light. The object landed and then urged them to follow it. So, they followed it for over 2 hours until it finally landed and opened up. They were then herded inside and given strange food and drink for 3 days by 4 different-sized beings that communicated telepathically with them. Now, I know many people are saying that this was only a hoax. That's what the government thought too, but it took over 35 years for them to finally admit that it was real.

The last case I'm going to talk about is the Rendlesham Forest Incident. This incident frightened a lot of people because it was one of the few incidents that included military involvement. The story is that in late December of 1980, two security officers were patrolling in an abandoned air base when they reported seeing a flash go off far away and then suddenly a beam of light came down from the sky and hit their vehicle as well as many trees surrounding them. When they looked up, there was this big triangle-shaped object hovering over the air base with 3 other smaller triangular objects coming out of it. The security officers ran over to one of the 3 smaller objects and tried to enter it. The object would have none of that, though, and it shot off into the sky screaming with a loud thrumming engine sound. 

navy ufos

 The navy is currently actively investigators ufos! You read that right. The US Navy has a department dedicated to the topic of unidentified flying objects (ufos). There's an official organization for it and even a research arm. There are a lot of "invisible" objects flying around in the Earth's atmosphere. A lot of these objects are not produced by humans. Things that can fly and hover are called UFOs. They can be small and fly very fast, or sometimes they're large and slow, but no one has ever seen them coming or going.

The navy has its own research agency to investigate UFOs. They even have a dedicated division of scientists to study them. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was created because the Pentagon was not able to explain all these incidents. Studies show that some of these are real, and they are not made on Earth. Most come from outer space, but just because you have a spaceship does not mean you're from another planet. Some of them may be human technology and weapons we don't know about yet, and some could be something else, something we've never encountered before!

navy ufos

Ufos are now a serious subject of discussion. It is no longer a subject of comedy or science fiction with the USA military. So, it should not be with you either, it is not a joke. It's real. There are at least hundreds of UFO sightings a year in the USA alone. All the branches of the military consider the topic of ufos serious business. Its national security at this point being protected. 

The navy is investigating UFO sightings and orbs. They're trying to find out what these things are. They don't seem to be made by human beings, but if they're not from Earth then what are they? We don't know. These scientists and military specialists go on the record in an effort to get people in the navy and the government behind this project to accept that UFOs are real. It's not a joke; you have ships, which suggest they could be alien technology. Are they friendly aliens? Are we in danger from them? The whole thing is so weird!

The government gets hundreds of reports a year of sightings of these objects, and it is incumbent upon them to investigate those reports and take them seriously because these objects do exist. We're all familiar with the idea of aliens flying around in UFOs. We know about that! That's not all, though. What people don't know is how many ships the military has that are not identified by anyone on board, even though they're flying around in our skies. 

No one has ever seen them coming or going from Earth, but why would you need to? When you land a spaceship and it does not come down, you can take off again. They said they could do it. It was also reported that all these ships are staying at a distance; they are only seen from afar, moving around like space patrol ships...

Are these alien drones spying on us? Is that what it is? Are they only seen from afar? They look different from any other UFO we've ever seen... We don't know what they are, and we can't prove that they are not from Earth. We don't know if they're friendly or hostile, but we're pretty sure they're real.

It is strange that no images of these ships have ever come down to Earth. They're real; you can't ignore these reports any longer. You have to start looking at them from a different perspective and try to find out what they are. It's time to look for answers because there are UFOs on Earth!

In conclusion, I'm not saying they're aliens and I'm not saying they're not aliens. They are definitely strange alien objects in our skies today and that's a fact. A mystery still remains: why do they want to be seen by us? What are their intentions? There's nothing funny about the threat of an alien invasion. It's something that we should be concerned about. You have to ask yourself the question: if aliens are here, where are they? What are they doing? Why don't we see them? Are they in our skies and not allowing themselves to be seen for whatever reason? I'd really like to know why.

ufos encounters

 Ufos encounters, according to experiencers it's generally very scary and a pleasant experience at all. While alien contact is not currently happening, a variety of websites are devoted to reliable information on what it is a ufo encounter. There's lots of information here for anyone who has ever thought about their very own alien encounter or sighting! Not only are there thousands of people who believe that ufos are real, but even former presidents think that the government is covering up what they know about ufo existence.

What is an alien encounter?

An alien encounter is an experience that involves a person witnessing or experiencing something that he/she cannot explain. Usually, a person will believe that the event was caused by extraterrestrial beings who had traveled from another planet to earth. People who have never seen or heard of ufo's may be skeptical about alien encounters being real, but thousands of people have experienced some sort of close encounter. It's also important to mention the fact that not all alien encounters are alien abductions and there are many reasons for them to happen. Just like any other spiritual being, ufo's will appear in different forms and shapes.

ufos encounters

Ufos, alien entities, and extraterrestrial beings are often called ufos by the people who believe they have had experiences with them. Ufos researchers generally believe that there is a lot more going on related to extraterrestrial beings than anyone could ever imagine. They believe that the UFOs are only the tip of the iceberg and that there is an entire network of alien-related activity going on.

Ufos sightings have been reported in every country in the world and they're still being reported. Ufos are said to have been seen in almost every conceivable shape, size, and color. It is generally believed by many people that if ufos are real and not strange figments of human imagination, then we would know a great deal more about them than we do. The problem has been trying to determine why so few people actually see ufos or aliens on a regular basis. There's a lot of helpful information that can be found about literally everything about ufos here on this website. 

Typical Signs of a Ufos encounter: 

Some people report seeing a strange object in the sky and then feeling that they are no longer in control of their own actions, while others say they have been abducted against their will. These are a few examples of reported ufo encounters. People who report strange experiences like these often feel that the encounter has an effect on their lives forever. Many claim that ufo experiences are usually connected to other paranormal experiences. 

Alien encounters happen to people from all walks of life and at all ages. There has been an amazing number of people who claim that they have been abducted by alien beings and that the experience was terrifying. Many people believe that alien beings need human tissue, organs, or genetic material to sustain themselves.

Not many people are aware of how many alien encounters there really are in the world today, or how many reports have been made in the past. Many ufologists believe that this type of phenomenon needs further investigation. They believe that there's a reason for so many strange sightings to be reported in isolated areas with no other witnesses around. Many ufos researchers feel there must be a logical explanation for whatever phenomenon is going on. It is hard to believe that this type of thing really happens, but it is happening all over the world today.

It's difficult to imagine how many ufos and alien encounters there are in our world. It's not hard to understand how a lot of these sightings really happen, especially since they are easily observable phenomena. The purpose behind all of these reports is unknown at this point in time. 

The thought that there might be other life forms out there may be quite unsettling, but it can actually be an exciting prospect for many people; it would mean that we aren't alone in the Universe! However, the idea of aliens can be just as scary for some people. The idea of finding intelligent, intelligent beings from another planet that have traveled to Earth and taken over our planet is not a very comforting thought for many people. If there are intelligent beings out there in the cosmos, it wouldn't be too surprising if they wanted to visit us and see what all life on Earth is about. After all, we have one of the most fascinating places in the entire Universe right here on our own planet!

If there are aliens out there, they've already been here for a long time and it's no surprise if they have a lot of wisdom and experience. They've already been around Earth for a long time and they've noticed that the planet is pretty boring compared to their own home planet...

I know it sounds sick, but I don't think any intelligent alien creature would want to take over or destroy our planet. They'd see that our planet is nothing special: just a rock floating in space. We're all bound by gravity, we're all stuck on this rock together. As for aliens abducting and experimenting on humans, I can't imagine why they'd bother with such things... I mean, we don't do that to other animals do we? 

Aliens are most likely intelligent species from another dimension or galaxy far, far away. These people would have had advanced technology and maybe even be able to travel through time and space itself. They could come from a parallel dimension where everyone has technology way more advanced than in our own which could explain why they know so much about us already.

are ufos real

 Are ufos real or not? It's a tantalizing question indeed! Even though it is a still a question that to this day, no one has been able to answer for certain. One thing, however, is for sure; if you have ever seen something in the sky then I am willing to bet you thought it was an alien. So, what are our chances of this being true? Well, according to recent statistics from the National UFO reporting center (NUFORC), there were at least 1 million people who claimed they witnessed a ufo in 2016 alone.

It is a good thing that scientists have already done a lot of research during the past few decades in order to give an answer to this question. It has been proved, that ufos are real and they are flying around our planet. In my opinion, all the researches have just proven it. Ufos or Unidentified Flying Objects are real and they exist in our world. The real question at this point is what are they! And what do they want from us? The answer to these two questions is very difficult to give, but the problem is that we need to find the answers. 

Since 1948 there have been more than 6000 reported UFO sightings in the United States. So, I didn't think that was a surprising statistic. And that's not all. In 2016 alone there were more UFO reports than in the entire previous decade (2001-2010). It's weird and it's fascinating at the same time.UFOs and aliens have been featured in mainstream entertainment media, particularly science fiction, since the 1940s. Science fiction stories involving UFOs were particularly popular during this time. In 1953, the release of the film The War of the Worlds by director George Pal led to an intense public interest in UFOs that persisted into the early 1960s. UFO sightings have continued to be popular in modern times, inspiring films such as Independence Day (1996) and National Treasure (2004).

UFOs have also been used in various other media such as television and film. In particular, the second season of the television shows "The X-Files" and "Firefly" prominently feature aliens. The UFO phenomenon has been examined in popular culture from early 20th-century pulp fiction, comic books, 1950s radio serials, the 1957 movie Panic in Year Zero, and numerous other sources. In fact, UFO has been used as a metaphor for another unnatural phenomenon that people cannot explain to their satisfaction.

are ufos real

The NUFORC website claims that ufos have been spotted in all 50 states, although California is the state with the highest ufo activity. Most sightings occurred in July and August, which is interesting since the first full moon of each of these months is often called a fire moon. Perhaps people are more likely to see anomalies when there are more natural light sources around them? Whatever the case may be, one thing everyone can agree on is that we will surely have an answer to this question one day. Until then, we can only keep searching for answers! …

Sure, there are tons of pranks and hoaxes. But there is always a small percentage of ufo sightings that cannot be explained. There are some things that cannot be explained. And these people have experienced these things as well. So, what is it? Is it an alien? Or is it something else?

Many ufo investigators believe that there are several different species of aliens out there. They have been monitoring us, but why? Maybe because they are curious and want to know how we got here. Or maybe they want something from us. The truth is we honestly don't know what it is they want or what their intentions are.

We have had contact with aliens before, for sure; so, the question is will we have more in the future? Or maybe the aliens already have more contact with us nowadays than most people like to believe. Many of them like to observe and hide from humans, but some of them actually show themselves to people rather often.

On February 24, 2008, Luis Elizondo and a team from United States Department of Defense released a video showing an unmanned aerial vehicle seemingly tracking a distant object in Afghanistan, which was posted to the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science website.

Does ufos exist? 
There can be many possibilities for what they are, and it's not going to be answered any time soon. This article sums up some of the popular theories for ufos.

1) They're spaceships from another planet. - Some people have theorized that ufos are spacecraft from other planets, like Earth 2 or a parallel reality.

2) They're angels. - Some people have theorized that ufos are angels because they're seen as "good" or "heavenly". 

3) They're man-made machines sent to earth by alien life forms living in space colonies. - Although this theory is not widely held, there are some people who believe that there are alien life forms living in space colonies. They might be able to see us from their spaceships, and they might be able to send machines to Earth.

4) It's a time-traveling hoax. - Although this is pretty uncommon, there are some people who believe that ufos are time-traveling hoaxes. This could be because they're seeing something from the future or because they're seeing something that was supposed to happen in the past; as a time, portal or wormhole. This article will explain more about some of the things associated with this concept.

5) They're the result of secret government projects. - Some people believe that there are secret government projects that have created ufos as part of an experiment. The military or the government might be trying to hide their project from us.

6) They're "aliens" that were abducting and experimenting with humans. - Some people believe that they're abducting and experimenting with humans in order to create a military force capable of conquering the world and controlling it. 

7) People are seeing things that aren't actually real...they are just seeing things in a "wrong" way. - Scientists have suggested that these sightings and experiences could be due to optical illusions or misidentification of natural phenomena.

8) They are all hallucinations. - Some people believe that all of these sightings can be explained by mass hysteria and hallucination. 

9) The government knows about them...but is covering it up as a secret project or experiment. - Some people think that the government knows about ufos...and cover it up because they have an interest in keeping it a secret for some reason. Maybe they're trying to experiment on humans, or maybe they want to create an army of super-powerful military forces without anyone knowing about it because that would make the army a lot more vulnerable to attack if the enemy knew about it...

The subject of UFOs is controversial not only because of the scientific implications of their existence but also because some people believe them to be hoaxes or misidentifications of known objects. UFOs have become a pop-culture phenomenon, being widely referenced in television, film, music, toys and video games. 

In conclusion, if ufos are real, we will truly find out one day. I only hope we are ready! There's no denying that ufos are incredibly mysterious by nature. Many people believe that these lights in the sky are a sign from God or the Devil, or from other intelligent life forms on this planet who recognize us as an intelligent species. While others believe that these lights in the sky are nothing more than celestial bodies like comets, shooting stars, and even meteors burning up in Earth's atmosphere.


 Ufos what are they? We know there are reports of them all over the world and that they have been around for a long time, but nobody really knows what Ufos are. Some say they are alien spacecraft; some say it's some sort of solar or air phenomena, we don't even know. Half the population won't believe in them. People just don't know, and this is exactly the reason that they are so scary. Nobody knows what they are or what they are for.

Why are they here? What are they doing? Are they out to get us? No one knows, and this is what we fear. They have been seen for years, yet no one knows anything about them. They could be friendly or they could be dangerous. We just don't know and that's why we fear them.

This is the reason why Ufos are so interesting; people just don't know what to think or how to feel about them. Many people are frightened of these flying objects but others aren't scared of them at all and some think that all of this is just a waste of time.

We know there have been many reports of Ufos and they are reported all over the world, but people don't know what to think of them. People don't know if they are friendly or dangerous. People just don't know what they are for or what their purpose is. People believe that they have been coming down to our planet for a long time and a lot of books and stories have been written about them.


So, a lot of people think that they are extra-terrestrial and come from another planet. All these years people have argued that the ufo's come from other planets, but no one knows for sure. Maybe all the talk about them makes them more believable and now a lot of people think they really do exist. If people don't believe in ufo's before, now they do after all the stories told about them.

Possibly, the first case of a ufo sighting was when Kenneth Arnold said he saw nine moving craft in formation flying at an incredible rate of speed near Mount Rainier Washington on June 24 1947. Then many more sightings were happening all over the world that same month and year.

Possibly, the first case of a ufo sighting was when Kenneth Arnold said he saw nine moving craft in formation flying at an incredible rate of speed near Mount Rainier Washington on June 24 1947. Then many more sightings were happening all over the world that same month and year. The government came out with their explanation of the phenomenon, simply: "Weather." But because of a lack of tangible evidence to disprove such an explanation, they had to dig pretty deep into their black budget to explain what was going on. 

Then in 1958, Project Blue Book was started by the Air Force. Project Blue Book had a huge budget and spent it over the years until it officially shut down in December 1969 (after reading this as a kid in elementary school.). They were tasked with investigating every single one of those Arnold saucer sightings. They tracked down hundreds of witnesses and documented hundreds upon hundreds of sightings and investigated thousands upon thousands of leads, but they never found any real evidence to support Arnold's sighting or deny his sighting.

Here is a list of possible explanations and theories behind this mysterious phenomenon.

One reason for many sightings is that UFOs could be test flights by the United States military attempting to develop technology that would allow aircraft to perform flight maneuvers outside the atmosphere or reach speeds faster than light without causing damage due to friction with atmospheric gases, which can cause high-energy particles known as cosmic rays. The U.S. Air Force has had a long-standing interest in anti-gravity research for many years, and this technology could fall into that category.

Some UFOs are high-speed military jets that are testing new stealth designs. These do not show up on radar because of the aircraft's shape and the use of special materials to avoid reflection from enemy jamming devices.

Another theory is that aliens exist or have visited Earth in the past, but for some reason, they never made contact with humans until 20th-century sightings were reported.

The existence of aliens must be taken into consideration when considering the possibility of UFOs being a visitation from outside sources. The United States, the Soviet Union, and many other countries have been investigating the possibility of life from beyond Earth's atmosphere for decades, and it is very possible that extraterrestrials have visited Earth before.

Furthermore, there could be some type of advanced artificial intelligence that has visited this planet in the past and remains to be discovered by humans. The theory of "unexplained phenomena" also supports this idea because we can't rule out aliens visiting Earth if our technology is too primitive to detect them in the first place.

Alternatively, UFOs could be the result of close encounters with humans. This is essentially the same thing, but is a little less plausible in that aliens would have to visit us and be able to observe our activities with satellites and other intelligence-gathering devices on Earth's surface.

Many UFO sightings may stem from the actions of very intelligent extraterrestrials who come here to investigate our progress in science, technology, and biology in order to determine if we are suitable for entry into an intergalactic alliance with them. Such visits could also represent an attempt by these alien civilizations to "tame" humans as food sources or slave laborers.

A final theory offers a more rational explanation. Some UFO sightings may have been caused by space satellites that have become rogue, either because their operators lost control of them, or because they simply became out of control. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was seen to break off from its station in orbit and travel into space where it headed toward Earth's atmosphere at about 17,000 miles per hour. The problem with this explanation is that scientists do not currently know how any spacecraft could achieve such speeds without causing catastrophic damage to itself and the Earth.

It's possible that aliens may be living on the moon or Mars, far away from us, and have come here to observe Earth's activities. Alternatively, it could be that UFOs are just misidentified object with no "aliens" to blame for their appearance or disappearance.

Hesslow believes that more than one explanation is likely for the various UFO sightings that have been sighted throughout history and the present day. Therefore, some of these sightings could be a result of hoaxes or misinterpretations of actual events, but as technology advances so will our ability to detect such phenomena.

Conspiracy theories may seem convincing when trying to explain the unexplainable. But when hundreds of government officials, astronauts, and military personnel have come forward with their own personal accounts of UFO sightings, is it really so far-fetched to think we're not alone in the universe?

Interest in the subject of UFOs continues to expand as scientists explore more and more aspects of space. But there's more interest than ever before in exploring the mysterious side of UFO lore. In addition to this recent scientific interest is the popular focus on these phenomena with such movies as Men in Black, Independence Day, and Close Encounters of a Third Kind. People across the world want answers about UFOs; they want proof that there is intelligent life somewhere else in this vast universe.